Chapter 30

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Chapter 30: Alex

I still wasn’t completely sure how, or what I was supposed to be doing. Grover, Leo and I boarded the Argo II and we set sail for the sea of monsters. The army was to follow in a few days’ time. Camp Jupiter had refused to aid  us, and so had the amazons, but we expected as much. The leaders of the two of them were both allies of Circe before. On the bright side, Tyson had talked a lot of the other Cyclopes from the forges to aid us as well. A few of the campers did not seem thrilled at this predicament, but it was to be fighting with them than against them.

I was ready for almost anything. In the past few days, they had trained me in my weak spots, which was sword fighting mostly. I was good with a bow and arrow and with my gun. I can hide and I can trick people, so the main thing that I failed at most, was Piper’s charmspeak lesson. So for the past three days, that is what we worked on most. Piper helped me learn to try to resist charmspeaking, which Circe was sure to try on me.

I looked down on the camp as we flew away. It seemed unreal.  Was I really in a flying ship off to stop my destiny? A couple of weeks ago I was the run-away girl who nobody cared about. Nobody would miss me if I had died, nobody would notice if I left.  It had all changed now.

“Um, Alex? Grover?” Leo walked over to us. We turned. “I’ve been meaning to tell you guys about something,” He explained about his dreams and the singing in Bunker 9.

“Olympus is calling?” I say out loud, although I didn’t mean to. It was too late. They look at me expecting me to continue. “It’s just, oh never mind it’s nothing.”

“Alex, even the smallest detail can be important. What’s up?” Grover presses. I sigh.

“That was the last thing that Hecate said to me before she had to go. But that’s just a coincidence, right?” Grover and Leo glance at each other.

“Alex,” Leo said slowly “there are no such things as coincidences in the demigod world."

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