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This world is no longer what it used to be. After the fall of the sky the diseases came. We called it red star dust, it sounds a lot more friendly than it is.

First your skin starts to feel dry then it start cracking and it slowly begins to look like the dry soil you can find in the deserts, the cracks become so deep that your skin starts to come off and you start to lose your limbs. There is no cure. One day I was walking down the streets and, there was this man his skin was cracked and red as if it was burned. He started coughing up red dust. He fell down, it was like the impact was to much for what was left of his body, it was like a smoke bomb of red smoke. He just dissolved in to thin air the only thing that was left were his clothes.

A few days after that I got the illness myself my parents were so desperate they let my limbs be replaced with robotic ones, that's how I became a cyborg. This was the only way to keep us alive. Many people were transformed into robots. Some only got a brain. I was lucky enough to be able to keep the left side of my human body.

The only down side of the transformation were the stares we got, I could no longer walk the streets without being looked at like I was a monster, a freak. When one of the more important cyborgs had the idea of retreating with all of us the government called upon every cyborg in the land to come and join this new world of only cyborgs. Everyone who didn't want to come was forced to come anyway. I didn't want to leave my family. They started a raid to find all of us. I was hidden but they found me and forced me to go to Cocytus.

But let us begin at the beginning of my story.

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