6. Missing

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I'd driven madly for days. At first I had nowhere to go, so I circled around Forks. When I realized they had left I chose to drive to both Port Angeles and then Seattle. By the time I had gotten to Seattle Doris had called.

"They've spotted the Chevy going south, Charlie."

They were taking her across state lines, God knows what for. All I knew, was that wherever they dragged Bella I would go too. And if a single hair was harmed on her head they would have to kill me before I killed every last one of them.

By the time I'd crossed over into Oregon I got another call. "They spotted the truck at a gas station in Nevada. They seem to be headed further south."

An entire state away. What was their angle? Why had they taken her hostage in the first place? Why were they keeping her alive? Carlisle--wherever that smirking asshole was--had said she was special. Why?

I drove on, weary and tired but motivated. No news came in for another eight hours. Eventually as I hit Nevada Doris called again. "Someone spotted the truck and a girl of Bella's description in Arizona."


"Yes, how did you know?"

"Nevermind that. What else do you have?"

"They say they saw her near a hotel. She checked in with a girl and a man. The girl was described as short with a dark black pixie cut. The man was described as tall and blonde. About six feet something."

Tall and blonde wasn't enough to tell the difference between the Cullen men but the description of the girl was almost certainly Alice Cullen.

"Which hotel?"

"Looking into it. The witness can't seem to remember but they're on the lookout for any credit cards used in the Cullen's name."

It was unlikely that they were stupid enough to use their own credit cards and Jenks had made them countless identities. "Thanks. I know where to get the information. Hold on."

I hung up with Doris and pulled the car over and parked next to the empty highway. "Jenks. It's Charlie," I said after I'd dialed his number.

"What is it, Chief? I'm with my family." Somewhere behind him I could hear little girl's laughter and play.

"Kiss them goodnight. The Cullens have my daughter."

The line was silent. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"I want you to mail the name and social of every Cullen to my phone."


"Goddamn it! Just give me the names!"

"They'll kill me."

"They won't know you told. I'll make sure of it." My voice started cracking. "Please! They've got Bella. This isn't a cop asking an informant or questioning a criminal. Father to father--they have my little girl!"

The line remained silent for what seemed like an agonizing amount of time. The only thing heard was my own desperate breathing and the sound of his daughters giggling. "I'm sending the information."

"Thank you."

He hung up without another word and so I sat by the side of the highway, holding my breath and praying he'd keep his promise. In under twenty minutes he'd sent the names--all of them. Every name they had ever been known by or conducted business under. He'd left his name unattached so I was free to forward the list to the police.

I called the department right after. "Doris?"

"We got the names, Charlie."

"Pay close attention to credit cards, license plates, and airline tickets."

Charlie Swan: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now