7. Showdown

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     The ballet studio was on a half deserted street overrun with carefully manicured Yellow Dot and cactus. I parked the cruiser at the front and stared at the simple building. Everything seemed still in the deepening evening, but somehow that made the knot in my gut tighten. I checked my weapons--making sure the gun was loaded and the stake was tucked into my waistband at an angle that would make it difficult to notice.

     I crept my way up the sandy stone walkway careful not to alert the vampires of my presence and walked up to the polished glass doors and pushed. To my surprise the door was open. I didn't hesitate to enter.

     The darkness inside was murky but still. I pulled my flashlight off my belt and peered around. I stood in a very simple reception area with tile flooring and wallpapered walls. As I walked through, a walled photo collage caught my eye.

     I wondered if Bella's picture was hidden among the many smiling eyes of little boys and girls who'd come through these doors, but I didn't have time to dwell. I walked on, coming across an office, but the door was locked.

     The changing room was empty too. If this was anyone else I would have considered this a dead end and left to reassess...but it was Bella, and I was out of options, so I kept going through the darkened halls my breath getting more labored as I moved.

     What if the Cullens had already gotten to her? I'd never find them.

     I almost gave up but Bella's sudden cry of agony rang throughout the studio. I ran to her, past the reception area and the changing room until I was pushing my way through the heavy glass door of a large mirrored room with dark hardwood floors.

     There she was. Crawling on her hand knees on the floor trying to get away from the blonde man that had broken into our house. The bullet wounds I'd given him had disappeared--healed...not even bruises marred the perfectly white skin around his eye. How...

     He cornered her against a wall, taunting her with a hand-held camera. Her face was knotted in fright under a blanket of her limp dark hair. "Would you like to rethink your last request?," said the vampire.

     I ran toward them, dropping the flashlight and drawing my gun.

     "It's cruel really." The creature smiled darkly before pressing his long fingered hand on top of her leg. He pressed down, a nauseating snap could be heard as Bella cried out again in agony. "Wouldn't you rather have Edward try to find me?"

     He slammed her head back against the mirrored wall. The glass shattered around her and as it fell to the floor it reflected the sunlight from the high windows and for the briefest moment the vampire's face shined, the radiance reflecting a kaleidoscope of light in the dim room.

     I ran toward them, concern for my own safety dying as I grew closer. "Hey!"

     His head snapped up at my scream. "You!" His eyes grew darker. "You're the one that shot me."

     I fired at him. Faster than I could see he dodged the bullets and disappeared. I turned around the room seeing nothing but shadows and hearing nothing but the sound of my own frightened breathing and Bella's tormented sobbing.

     My ears picked up the sound of movement behind me just in time to turn and find the red eyes of the vampire staring at me. A lustful smile spread across his lips and I saw his white, shiny fangs clearly. "Do you taste as good as you smell?"

     He seized me in his steel-like grip and sank his fangs deep into the side of my neck. Sharp pain swallowed me, and I froze in his arms. His head jerked back and I could see my blood smeared across his face, glistening on his tongue, and dripping down his neck. "Not as good," He said as he licked my blood from the corners of his mouth. "But still fantastic!"

Charlie Swan: Vampire HunterWhere stories live. Discover now