It feels like I'm pooping a great big poop out of my vagina. What is this sorcery.

"Push harder fatty" the nurse yells at me.

I push as hard as I can as I tighten my grip on Jacob's hand. I'm so happy he's here for me at a time like this.

Then all of a sudden the pain stops. I feel nothing, I'm at peace. What the fuck?

I look down at my smelly coochie and see a tiny piece of corn next to it.

Is.. That my baby??

The nurse picks it up gently and hands it to me.

"Congratulations!" She says cheerfully.

I inspect the piece of corn in confusion. Why is my baby a piece of corn?

"How.. How could you?" Jacob says with tears in his eyes.

"What?" I reply. What the hell is he talking about?

"You cheated on me" he says as he clenches his jaw.

"Shrimp dick, I would never-"

"Don't you 'shrimp dick' me"

"What makes you think I would cheat on you"

"Don't play dumb, we both know who's baby that is. And I'll give you a hint; it's not mine"

I think for a moment. I would never- wait a ding darn moment. I would. And I did. Everything makes sense now. Why my baby's a corn, why Jacobs mad at me, everything.

Sorry if this chapter was confusing it will make sense in the next chapter :P

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