All The Small Things

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“Say it ain’t so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home...”  We both jump as Jack’s phone starts ringing.

“Hello? ...Yes. ...No, of course not. ...Seriously? Three weeks?” he glances over at me and a small smile plays on his lips.  “Well yeah, I’m assuming he would. ...Alright I promise.  ...We’ll be home soon.  ...Bye,” he hangs up the phone and I raise my eyebrow inquisitively at him.  “My mom,” he explains.  “She asked if I was with you, then she asked if you were doing okay.  Obviously I told her no, because who would be okay right now?  Anyways, she said that her and my dad are leaving tomorrow and they won’t be back for like 3 weeks.  She asked if you would want to come stay at my house with me while they’re gone.  She doesn’t trust me to take care of myself and she thinks that maybe you should get out of your house for a while.”  He gets up and brushes dirt and grass off his pants.  I catch myself looking at him, my gaze lingering a little too long.  Am I checking Jack out? What the...  “Alright let’s go to your house to pack your stuff,” he says snapping me out of my thoughts as he extends his hand.  When I hesitate, he says, “oh sorry, I guess I should actually ask you if you want to…”

“Of course I want to, stupid,” I laugh.  He looks relieved as I take his hand and pull myself up.  We start walking to the car, except Jack doesn’t drop my hand.  Walking hand-in-hand, he leads me out of the cemetery and I take a quick glance back at my brother’s headstone, giving him a small, sad smile.

As we get into the car, Jack drops my hand and looks a little sad.  What is that about?  “Hey Jack,” I say and he looks up at me, “what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” he smiles.  “Now let’s go get your stuff!”  Well that was weird.  I’ll have to ask him about it later.  The drive home is pretty quiet but Jack keeps singing All The Small Things under his breath because he knows it’s my favorite song.  We pull up at my house and I see that my parents still aren’t back.  I walk into the house and Jack follows slowly behind.  “Bring some movies, all I really have is Home Alone.  Or I guess we can watch that the whole time,” he grins.  I groan, we always watch Home Alone because it’s Jack’s favorite movie.

“No!  If I have to watch that movie one more time…” I mutter.

“What was that?  Couldn’t catch it because you were MUMBLING!”

“I said you’re gay!” I yell back.  Jack mumbles something quietly as he walks towards the stairs and up to my room.  “What?” I ask as I walk upstairs to catch up.  “Jack...?”  No response.  “Umm Jack, where did you go?” I ask walking into my room.  He’s probably peeing.  I’ll just start packing while he’s gone.  I shuffle around my room, looking for bags to put my stuff in.

As I open my closet, Jack jumps out yelling, “boo, bi-atch!”

“Jeezum, Jack!  You gave me a freaking heart attack!”

“Sorry,” he smiles shyly.

“I do have to admit, of all people that could have jumped out of my closet, I’m glad it was you,” I laugh.  Whoa, is Jack blushing?  Because I said I was glad he came out of my closet?  Wait…  I start cracking up and he looks confused.  “You just came out of the closet!” I manage to get out between my laughter.  His face turns bright red as his blush intensifies.

“Oh.  Well that’s awkward.”

“Aww, is my little Jacky blushing?” I tease.

“Shut up, Lexy.”  We both laugh and I walk over and turn some music on.  The song What’s My Age Again? by Blink 182 comes on, so Jack dances around the room while we grab a whole bunch of clothes and other necessities and shove them in bags.  A few songs and 3 bags of stuff later, I think we have everything I’ll need.  “Hey, don’t forget your guitar, ‘cause you can’t play mine,” he sticks out his tongue.

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