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*Alex’s POV*

*2 weeks later*

“Jack get your lazy ass up right now!  We’re going out to do something today!” I yell at the lazy person still laying in bed at 1 in the afternoon.

“But Aleeeex.  I just want to stay in bed and watch movies or something!” he whines groggily.

“Jack, we have sat inside and watched movies and played video games for 2 weeks straight.  We are going out to do something today.  Deal with it.”

“Fine,” he sighs.  “But can we wait a while so I can sleep?”

“Nope, get up!”

“Ughhh stupid sleep Nazi…”

“Shut up, you.  It’s 1 in the afternoon.  I think you slept enough.  Now get up and go shower,” I tell him.  He drags himself out of bed and to the bathroom, then slams the door shut behind him.  “What a baby…” I mutter.  Jack quickly showers and does his hair while I make us breakfast and sit down to watch tv.  “Jack!  Waffles!”

“Again?” he asks from right behind me, scaring the shit out of me and making me drop my waffle.  He just laughs at me and walks into the kitchen to grab his.

“Yeah, real funny.  Now I’m taking one of yours.”

“No!  My food!”

“Aw come on, Jack.  Share!”

“Never!” he yells as he comes back into the living room and sets his plate down on the table.  As he’s trying to get comfortable on the couch, I tackle him.  I sit on top of him and start tickling his sides because I know that he’s extremely ticklish there.  “No, Alex, nooooooo!”

“Are you going to share your food?”

“No!” he yells, desperately trying to catch his breath.

“Bad answer,” I say as I continue to tickle him.

“Fine!  I’ll share!  Just get off of me!”

“Sweet.”  I grab a waffle off his plate as I climb off of him.  He glares at me and I grin back.  I finish off my food and all of a sudden I feel myself being pushed onto the couch and someone sits on my stomach.  “Ah, what the hell!?”

“Payback bitch,” Jack grins mischievously.  I quickly roll to the side and both of us fall off the couch.  I’m faster getting up so I run towards the stairs, but Jack is faster than I am and he catches up, wrapping his arms around me.  “Gotcha!”

“Let me go, Jack!”

“I don’t wanna.”

“Come on, Jacky, please?”

“Nope.  We have to spend the rest of the day like this.  I’m not letting you go.”  Hmm I could definitely spend the whole day wrapped in Jack’s arms.

“Can I at least go get dressed first?” I ask.  He shakes his head.

“Not unless I come with you,” he says, winking.  Oh God, please tell me I’m not blushing…

“Fine then.  Let’s go get dressed.”  We walk upstairs, very difficultly I might add, with his arms still wrapped tightly around my chest.  I walk over and pick out some clothes for both of us, with him still attached to me.  “Uh, Jack?  I’m not taking my clothes off while you’re still hugging me.”

“Alright, alright, I’m done,” he laughs as he drops his arms and walks away with his clothes.  We get dressed and I catch myself glancing over at him as we’re changing.  Oh God, I really need to stop this.  Jack is straight! I’M straight!  I really need to figure this out.  I just need to talk to someone.  This is why I need Tom here.

“Alex?  Are you okay?” Jack says and I realize I’m crying.

“I’m sorry.  I was just thinking about how I really need Tom right now…”

“Oh Lex…” he says coming over and hugging me tightly.  “I know.  I know you need him.  If I could bring him back for you I would.  In a heartbeat.  I can’t stand to see you this sad.  You know that if he could talk to you, he would tell you not to cry.  He misses you too, Lex.  Come one, smile; you have a brother who loves you so freaking much.  Just because he’s gone doesn’t mean he isn’t still alive in your heart.”  The whole time he’s talking he’s rubbing his hand up and down my back comforting me.  “I know that sounds really cheesy but it’s true.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“Of course.  You know I’m always here for you.  No matter what,” he pulls back and holds me at arms length.  “Oh, and you forgot to button your pants.”  He reaches down and buttons them for me and I blush furiously.  I close my eyes as I drop my head to hide my red face behind my hair.  I clear my throat and open my eyes, looking down and seeing that his hands are only a centimeter away from the front of my jeans.  Oh man.  Why do I want his hands there?  ...No.  I was just crying, I can not do this right now.  I go to step around him and accidentally run into his hands.  My blush deepens and I mutter something about having to go to the bathroom before I race out of the room and down the hall.  I close the door behind me and lean against it closing my eyes.  Jack walks past and says, “I’ll wait for you downstairs.  Hurry up though, I wanna leave.”

I walk over and stare at myself in the mirror.  Can I really be gay?  For Jack?  I guess if I was gay for anyone, it would be him.  Look at me!  I’m blushing because he buttoned my pants for me!  If that doesn’t make me gay, I don’t know what would.  It makes sense; we practically cuddle all the time, we’re always together, no one can make me smile like he can, I catch myself staring at him constantly.  He is attractive…  But am I really gay?

“Leeex, come on!” he calls up the stairs.  I look back at the mirror and notice the grin on my face at his use of his nickname for me.  Yes.  Yes I am.

*Jack’s POV*

I walk downstairs and sit down on the couch while I wait for Alex.  I lean over and grab my guitar, then start strumming randomly while I think.  Okay it’s obvious that I’m attracted to Alex.  But is it just a phase?  Am I just a hormonal teenager?  Or am I actually gay?  He does make me really happy.  Just being around him brightens up my day.  His smile is so cute and I can’t not smile when he does.  I don’t think I could live without him.  No way, I can’t be in love with Alex.  I’m attracted to him but I don’t think I’m in love with him.  I need to talk to him about this.  When we get back home later.  I come out of my thoughts when I realize what song I’m strumming.  Alex’s song.  The song he told me to write.  The song I wrote about him.  Yup, I definitely like him.

I set down my guitar and whine, “Leeex, come on!”  I feel a grin come across my face when I use the nickname I gave him.  I’m the only one who ever calls him that.  He runs down the stairs grinning and his smile only gets bigger when he sees that I’m smiling too.

“Can we go to the zoo?” he asks brightly.

“Whatever you want,” I smile back.  I grab my keys and hold the door open for him, then lock it behind us.

“Then I’m picking the music in the car!” he yells, running for the passenger side door, which is kind of pointless since we listen to the same music anyways.  I roll my eyes and get in my side of the car.

*A/N~So I had this ready to post yesterday, but wattpad was down. I'm not sure if I'll have a new update ready by Friday :/ but I promise I'll try! How are you guys liking it so far? The next chapter has a loooot of Jalex ;) be prepared. It won't be smut, cause I can't write smut hahaha it will only be fluff. Well I hope you're all having a lovely week and enjoying the story :)

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