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King's P.O.V.

Looking back, I wish I could of done something, anything at all to stop this fighting. If only I had had the knowledge of what was to come. Now, when you look apon this once proud kingdom, for miles you will see lifeless corpses littering the Earth where our pups use to play. Blood drips from great chunks ripped from our flesh, when once smiles lay firmly on our faces.

Even as King, I have no power to stop the screams ringing off the mountains sounding our boarders. My son, how I have failed you. This war killed your mother, and I couldn't bare to lose him too. There must be some way to get peace again.

What can I do, oh Goddess? What can I do?

"Dad.", comes the charming voice of my son, Tristan. How he reminds me so much of Anna, my lovely mate.

Without turning around, I ask, "What is it son?" Even I can hear the weariness of my voice, and this makes me cringe.

This war has changed me so much, or rather, all of us. This castle reeks of fear and pain now. Once, long ago, it would of smelled of health and our pack. The little voice in the back of my mind yells out, "Where did it all go?!" but, I can't look apon the past. I must fix the future, preserve what can be salvaged. Come Hell or high water, my son will have something to call his own!

"Father, enemies of the north are moving toward our boarders. Something must be done. Last time, we barely made it threw. A second attack would be fatal to us all." Tristan is absolutely right, but how? The odds are stacked against us by more than half, and most of our men are still weak from injury.

I turn toward him and utter the words that make my heart bleed.

"The only hope we have now is to pray to the Moon Goddess. She holds our fate in her hands. By god, let her not fail us."

Moon Goddess's P.O.V.

My head rings with the cries of the ones being slaughtered like cattle down there on Earth. My most precious creation, and yet, I see what I hate the most. Since the beginning of time, I have sat watch over the werewolves. Each one are my sons or daughters, but evil has corrupted some of them. Their is still good down there, I know it in the very core of my soul. Now as a gaze apon the king himself, tears roll down my ancient cheeks.

Prayers, that is all they have against the great pack of the North. With teeth and horrible weapons, they march to concur what is left of the werewolf king's castle.

Something must be done to stop this war, and I think I know what that must be. Tonight, I will bring apon the great race a savior; a wolf with the immortal power of the gods. Yes, that is what I must do. Raise a champion to save the weak.

With a flick of the wrist, my powers pull toward me a small star. Its light pierces the dark, eternally bringing hope with it.

Now, this will be the hard part.

The surface of the star was hot enough turn someone to ash, but to me, it was no more than the warmth of an embrace. With a pale slender hand, I made contact with the star. In that light touch, part of my soul blended with it. The pain was unbearable, yet the task had to be undertaken. A scream pushed its way past my parted lips. Oh what agony!

As soon as it had started, it was over. Finally, a champion was born. With my enhanced sight, I could see her. White hair swirled in an invisible wind, and ancient markings marked her pale skin; the same as my own. Deep within, I saw her wolf. Her fur like moonlight, her eyes holding the wonder of the sky.

"Protect them little one," I whispered, before sending that little star down towards Earth.

Prince Tristan's P.O.V.

When I was little, my father was giant compared to my little body. One night, he lifted my onto his broad shoulders and told me about our goddess, the Moon Goddess. Her power created the werewolves, giving them the gift of transformation that the human could never have. Every time I would look up to those stars and wonder if she's really was up there.

Now, those times have long since expired. Like sand, a great wind has blown us into a world of murder and betrayal. It's all our fault, stupidity lead us astray. Look at how we sat by and watched, laughed at the cruelty others had to endure. Innocent blood stains all our hands.

As I sit here with my father, my lips begging....for some kind of hope, this is all my mind puzzles deep within.

Can we ever stop the blood shed?

Suddenly, the sky filed with burning white light. Its rays illuminating the dark memories of the past. As soon as it had came, the blinding stopped. We all rushed to look out the windows, and there in the sky did I see the most beautiful thing falling over the horizon.

A massive star was sailing on a straight path towards the distant woods.

The savior had been delivered....


Okay, so this is my new story. Any good? Please Comment or Vote on what you think. Thanks! ;)

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