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King's P.O.V.

It was beautiful, that bright light drifting down to the rotten land below. The same look of wonderment crossed our faces, like nothing I had seen before. It seemed like the world had drifted into it's own silence as we all watching this little miracle drift across the dark sky.

Just as the thing had appeared, the light vanished with a loud.... BOOM! Next thing we knew, the ground under our feet started to shake in violent trimmers.

"Grab on to something!" Tristan yelled above the chaos.

Items around the room started to hit the floor and pieces of ceiling started to rain down on my men. People rushed to find cover, but amongst the chaos I was frozen. Somewhere in the darkest part of my heart, I wished that this would be the end of me. If I were to die here and now, no longer would I have to endure this war. However my death would place my heavy burden upon my beloved son, something that I refused to do.

"Father! This way," Tristan said, dragging me under a large table against the wall. We huddled together trying to protect our heads, listening to the shouts of scared men.

Just as quickly as the earthquake had begun, the trimmers stopped. The room was silent and in shambles, yet somehow we had survived.

"Son, we have to recover the injured," I said trying to ease out from the rubble.

Tristan helped pushed some of the debris away, "Yes, but are you okay?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question? Anyway, I'm fine. However now that the castle is in ruins, we have to quicky repair it. At this moment, our kingdom is almost defenceless. If our enemies see this opening, they will go straight for our throats."

"Agreed Father, but what will become of the fallen star?", Tristan asked, now fully out of the mess.

"We'll have to talk about that later. Right now the people must come first, then we'll discover the details of what occurred this very night," I said, trying to make me way across the room.

Together it took us many hours to drag out the injured, trapped, and the deceased. Out of the 200 people with the castle, 52 had died from the accident. Those that survived helped the recovery, but the night was long from over. The village outside our gates was even worse, with only 655 survivors out the population of 2,778.

My pack wept for the fallen, but our tears quickly turned into fear. Ripe for the picking, our capital was now open for attacks. Many decided to search shelter in neighboring kingdoms, but for those who stayed larger trials would befall them. A week after the castle had fallen, the dead were burned together in a giant fire pit. The kingdom could not afford the luxury of burying each one separately. The sky was darkened by rolling black smoke from the great fire, scattering ashes for miles. A prayer was the only thing that could be giving to the families of the dead.

After the funeral, reconstruction of the castle was held in top priority. If needed, the people could find protection within it's fortified walls. Despite the death of our chief architect, his son was to be leading the project. He searched for any available worker to fill each role, working many long into the night. Many called this an injustice to the people, bringing with it new rebel groups from within the pack.

Despite my explanations, my words fell on deaf ears. Tristan was under the most stress at the time, trying each day to eliminate each small uprising these groups held. I wanted to help my son, but he refused. As the future Alpha, he would have to deal with this alone in the future. With so many problems, I couldn't help think of the fallen star. Something would have to be done about that, but would investigate it?

One night in particular, I stood against in one of the newly built rooms of the castle. I listened as the door behind me slowly started to open, and then close.

"You called me, Father?" Tristan asked.

I sighed, walking slowly towards the window. "I'm truly sorry. To be honest, I have burdened you with too much in such a short time. Instead of fighting rebellions, I'd much rather see you doing what a man should be doing at your age. Your mother.....your mother would have felt the same way. So I need you to do something for me."

Tristan walked over to the window, and turned to face me with a serious face. "What is it?"

"The time has come for you to find the fallen star. It is the only thing that can help this kingdom escape this war, and free you from such burdens. I want you to take 10 men from the elite guard-"

"Father, I can't leave you-"

"-and bring back the gift the Moon Goddess sent us. This is an order from your Alpha. You can not refuse. You leave tomorrow, everything has already been arranged."

"The revolutionaries are crying for blood, if I leave there will be no one to protect you. Besides the castle isn't finished, enemies could invalid at any moment. Are you really willing to give up 10 trained warriors in this crisis?" Tristan tried to argue.

"If it is for your well being, yes I am. Listen, I am your father, I can take care of myself. Besides this needs to be done if this kingdom is to survive. For the future, we must make sacrifices. Please find it and bring it back to us before our enemies can get their hands on the star," I finished.

No matter how much Tristan tried to agree, his words could not sway me. He needed some time away from this dismal state, or else he too would be consumed by the dark realties of war. As his father, it is my responsibility to help him in every way possible.

The next morning, I watched the small band gather before their departure. Amongst the group, my Beta looked over at me. My younger brother, Jonathon, had sworn to protect my son on the journey. As our eyes connected, we silently renewed that oath.

Protect him.

"Men, you know why you have been called forward. Your orders are to find the fallen star and bring it back. I need you, your country needs you, and the people need you. Onward and return with swift victory!"

The worriers agreed with a mighty cheer and shifted into their wolf forms. Tristan was the last the change into his brown and grey wolf, seemingly reluctant to begin the journey. Together the group departed, becoming smaller and smaller in the distance.

Tristan, you will one day become a great leader, but you must find your own way. The destination does not make the man, but the path he takes to get there. Fair well, my son.

Until we meet again.

Holly crap, it has been forever since I've actually had the time to update! I'm truly sorry, but I hope this will sorta make up for it. Pardon if you see a mistake on here, I'm having to use my tablet to write this, but I hope y'all like it. Please like, comment, or vote! Thanks!

-SoapBubble ^•^

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