Chapter 23

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[Niall's POV]

“What the hell are you doing here?” I demanded a very smug looking Andrew as I headed for him inside the coffee shop. “We didn't have any prior arrangements?!”

“I know. Don't you have plans with someone else? It's alright, don't pay no mind to me. I just came for some iced tea,” Andrew replied coolly, looking as innocent as ever. I resisted the urge to punch that look off his face. Not here. Not now.

Even though it was mid-September, the past couple of days were fairly warm, so his words seemed like a reasonable excuse. But by the look of his mischievous expression, it was clear that he had been waiting here. All the more so because just as I had walked in, in high spirits, he had waved to me casually as if he was expecting me.

Thank goodness Harry wasn't here yet. Somehow I had to convince Andrew to leave before he arrived. I hurried to sit down in the chair Andrew offered across from him.

“How did you know that I would be here today?”

“Hmm, I talked to Louis earlier today. He said you were excited about a date.”

“But then, how did you..?”

“Well, it's just a hunch. I guessed this might be your meeting place. I mean, I was right, aren't I? I'm good at this, yeah? I should really be a detective. The next Sherlock. How does that sound?”

I had no idea how I was supposed to reply to being questioned so nonchalantly. Seeming to miss my stunned expression, Andrew continued talking.

“Let's see how sharp I am with my analysis. The person you have plans with, it's Harry Styles, innit?”


“Aw Niall, you're so cute! You seem awfully fidgety. I get that this is a special friend. But I wouldn't think that. Usually, when people meet in somewhere so out of the way, it'd be for someone more than a friend. This is why you said you can't date me, right?”

I didn't know how much of the truth he knew (or thought he knew), but there was a note of certainty in his voice. Yet there was no way I could reply, my mouth sealed as the bitter feeling from yesterday returned. I couldn't bear to cause Harry any more trouble with my careless actions, and Andrew's persistent intentions were still a mystery. If I were to hesitate any longer, Andrew and Harry might end up crossing paths. Backed to a corner, the best solution was for me to wait outside the café.

But I must've been too late..

“Hello Harry. You're ten minutes late.”

Harry stopped in his tracks. I hurriedly stood up, embarrassed at being caught sitting at the same table as Andrew. “Um, he's..”

“Andrew. I'm on the football team with Louis and Zayn, and I've been pestering Niall here to introduce me to you. Now I can brag to all my friends that I've officially met the famous Harry Styles!”

Extravagant Challenge [Narry AU] ~On Hold~Where stories live. Discover now