Seductive Will....?

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Can u do one where nico starts dating a Athena boy and Will gets jealousy So then Will tries to seductive with Nico

Nico's POV: 

He put his head in the crook of my neck as I stared at the campfire. Normally I don't go to these events, but somehow my Athena-spawn boyfriend convinced me. And he didn't even use a graph. I felt him sucking slightly on my shoulder, and I leaned back into the touch. Mark and I have been going on-off for about a year now. It's been two years since the Giant War, and I haven't really spoken to Will in-depth since my infirmary visit. It's a shame, really. I would have been willing to give us a try.  But he didn't seem interested so I stayed out. Out of his life, out of him.

I noticed, snapping out of my little fantasy, that most people had left. Gods, how long had I been thinking? I made to get up, making Mark get up as well.

"Hey, why don't we go back to your cabin, babe?" He nudged me playfully and dragged me off behind him. Great, more sex with a guy I don't love. 

Will's POV:


Why does that prick from the Athena cabin get to bang him, but the guy who saved his life doesn't? I guess I haven't really shown any interest since the War. At least, that's what he thinks. Cecil told me not to seem as desperate as I was, and I may have gone overboard. I'm still nice to him, of course, but I ignored all of my sexual feeling up until about a month ago. I dropped MASSIVE hints from then, but he's still clueless. 

I just about shot Mark with one of my dad's arrows when I saw him tonight at the campfire. Does that son of a bitch (sorry, Athena) think that he can just get away with sucking on my Ghost King's neck during a somewhat public event?? Ugh. I hate him. 

Well, at least Nico didn't look interested. He was staring off into space for the last 30 minutes of the fire. He even resisted when Mark whispered in his ear and pulled him off towards Cabin 13. I bet he has a tiny dick. Yeah, him and his tiny dick. Nothing like my 8 inch masterpiece in my pants. Good gods, I'm sounding like a 10th grader. Oh, well.

I started off towards my cabin, before having a revelatory thought: Why not prove to myself that Mark has a tiny dick? I mean, it can't hurt (unless, of course, anyone found out that I was spying on Nico and Mark fucking each other). 

I made my way silently towards Cabin 13, biting my fingernails along the way. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but if he can see Nico naked why can't I see him naked? Okay, so maybe I know why I shouldn't be doing this, but all rules are out in secretive staring and rough fucking. 

I had finally arrived at Cabin 13. Peering through one of the dimly-lit windows, I saw Nico and Mark. Nico was....well, frankly, beautiful. Perfectly sculpted muscles, defined abs, and all of it was encased in skin glowing white. 

And those eyes.....those eyes are staring straight at me. 

I immediately dropped down and flattened myself against the side of the cabin.  After a brief pause I couldn't help myself. I stood just a little bit. 

Just enough to look in the cabin. 

Just enough to be caught again. Only this time, when Nico saw him he smiled and made a show of doing everything all sexy like. He faced his ass towards the window and pulled down his boxe-panties. 

Nico is wearing god. damn. panties. 

My breathing got heavier the more I tried to calm myself. My 8 inch knew where it wanted to be, and that was definitely not in my pants.  My hand adjusted my shorts and then found its place again on the side of his cabin. 

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