Guess what......Jercy

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Heyyyyyy friends!!!

So I would apologize but I'm not quite sure that would suffice. Sooooooooo I will be updating at least twice monthly! Warning: Not everything will be Solangelo! I will be posting a mix of Solangelo, Nicercy, and Jercy (maybe a bit of Theyna, but you guys tell me what you want to read!). 

Here it is, my babes and bros. 


Jercy Pt. 1

Jason's POV:

There stood Percy Jackson. Savior of Olympus (more than once!), son of Poseidon, and crush of just about every straight girl or even slightly gay male. Currently he was stretching out in preparation of training. Dear Zeus just him stretching draws a crowd. I'm in the middle of said crowd, but making my way toward the front.

"Hey." I greeted him, also throwing off my shirt and beginning to stretch. Did I mention that I'm his chosen training

partner for today?

"Hey, bro. Why are all these people here? I mean, this is only training." Poor boy, he looked genuinely confused.

"Uhh, maybe because you're hot as hell and are shirtless and flexing?" I couldn't hold in my giggle after saying that.

He gave me another confused look and spoke.

"You think I'm hot?" I all but choked on my own spit. I never really thought about it....

Okay- that was a complete lie. I thought about it. A lot. Hanging out with Nico honestly makes you question your own heterosexuality. I knew what I wanted to say to Percy, just the phrasing may come off as a bit more than he bargained for.

"Well, yeah. Duh. I mean, all these people wouldn't be here if you weren't hot."

"No, no. I meant what you think."

I then realized that everyone was still watching us. I really didn't want to have the "Hot or not" conversation right here. These demigods are always hungry for gossip. I leant in close, whispering into his ear.

"Hey, bro. Listen, come by my cabin at around 7, after dinner. We'll talk then. And until then..." I swung my sword next

to his right side as a warning blow. Even though neither of us mentioned it again until that night, it was clear in the arch of our swings that it was on both of our minds.

6: 37 PM:

I scrambled around my cabin, fresh out of the shower. As it was, I couldn't find ANY of my shirts. Since I was only visiting, Camp Half-Blood only lent me three of them!! Those inconsiderate assholes. I already destroyed one of them training with Percy, and another one was used while I was helping out Demeter kids plant stuff. The last one....well, who the fuck knows where the last one is. That's what I'm looking for. If I can't find it, I can either wrap myself in a sheet, or just sit there shirtless. Sadly, I'm leaning more towards the sheet. I still have roughly 20 minutes, so that gives me a bit more time for prep. Not only enough time to find my shirt, but also enough time to figure out what the hell I'm going to say to him once he arrives.

30 minutes later

He still wasn't here. As much as Percy can be oblivious, it isn't like him to be late to an important event. And I'm fairly certain that finding out if I think he's hot counts as an important event. I'm going to give him a few more minutes, but after that I'm headed to his cabin.

20 more minutes

That's it, I'm leaving.

I hopped down the stairs and started jogging over to the Poseidon cabin. As far as the whole shirt situation goes, I still couldn't find one, so I decided to just tell him the truth and go without anything on my top half. I finally arrived and knocked on the door, effectively calling the one and only Percy Jackson. He swung the door open with no reserve and before I could say anything, gestured me inside. I strode in and sat down on one of his beds, officially taking in my surroundings. The whole place was about as neat as the Hermes cabin after a raid on Demeter kids. This surprised me, as even though Percy wasn't always the neatest, he normally picked up for guests. I turned to face him. He was also shirtless, and by the looks of it had showered but had done...literally nothing else.

"So...Perce. About what I said earlier, I-I didn't mean it like that......but I do think that way. You're honestly hot as hell, and anyone with half a brain could see how amazing you are. And not only from a physical point of view. You are an amazing friend, and I can only assume an even better lover. Oh gods, I am so SO sorry for how that came out." Jason noticed that Percy hadn't turned around, and had froze about midway through his rant. "...Percy? I totally understand bro if you hate me now. I would hate me too. I mean, your bro just admitted he has a crush on you." He paused to try and gauge what Percy thought of this by staring at the back of his head. "Know what, I'm just gonna go. Sorry for this whole thing."

That was what unfroze Percy. He suddenly looked a lot more energetic, and whipped around to grab Jason's arm before he could leave.

"Do you seriously doubt yourself that much? I mean, look at you! Big, strong, perfectly sculptured Jason. Do you have any idea how long I've pined over you? I went to Piper after you two broke up, and this was the main cause for Annabeth and I breaking up. She finally got sick of hearing me talk about how "beautiful Jason is," or "what I'd give to fuck him." Come to think of it, that may not have been the best thing to talk about in front of my girlfriend--anyways, I don't know what you're talking about, 'Percy you're really hot.' Have you looked in the mirror bro?" Percy had to stop and catch his breath, but before he could say anything more Jason embraced him in a tight hug, almost to tears. Percy soon returned the embrace, as emotional as Jason; if not, more.

There was a moment of silence in the cabin, where one could practically hear the thoughts circling through two bro brains.

Finally Percy broke the trance enveloping the two like a heavy fog settles over the water.

"From what I've been told-and this is just from Annabeth-I...I actually am pretty, erm, 'good' in bed." Jason stared at him for a moment, then chuckled.

"Prove it, surfer boy." Percy looked stunned, as if he never expected Jason to actually say something. Percy suddenly turned violent, shoving Jason away yet catching him at the last moment and spinning him to face Percy. Jason tensed and stared the one inch down at his bro.


"Jason don't you DARE fuck with me like that! If anybody should know how sensitive I can be, it's you. Just-just, if you're not serious, get out. Now." Percy had been avoiding his gaze through most of his visit, but now looked straight into Jason's eyes. Percy looked so heartbroken, Jason wouldn't leave him if his father called him up to Olympus to save the world and have a pizza party. There was a very subtle rumble of thunder. Thanks, dad.

"Percy! I can't believe you would ever think I'd do that to you! Bro, I love you." He tried to be as open as possible in his facial expressions. He had a feeling Percy was more vulnerable than he was letting on. Jason thought for a moment, his brow scrunching up in a war against his better judgement. Then he leaned in. Fast. Maybe a little too fast, if the surprised squeak from Percy was anything to go by. Their lips met in a clash of anger, excitement, and a bit of confusion. After about a minute of sloppy kisses, slowly getting louder as it got more heated, Jason started pulling away. Percy made a small sound of displeasure, then blushed with embarrassment.

Jason laughed quietly, pushing back on Percy's bare chest gently. He started tugging on his shorts, then stopped. He found Percy staring at his bulge with rapt attention.

"Do you mind? My shorts were getting a bit tight." He laughed at his own joke, looking up to find Percy pulling off his own clothing. He shrugged to himself and shucked off clothing down to his tight boxer briefs. Well, normally they weren't this tight...


I know that a lot of people rant on their fics and say that they are absolute trash. I am not in the slightest joking when I say that I very well could have been smoking some amazing weed and listening to Bob Marley while I wrote this. This just isn't something people write unless they're high. Tell me if you think it's good enough for the smut part (part 2) to be published. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves babes and bros.

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