Chapter 10

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The next morning I get woken up by Bentley licking my face. I push him away and groan while sitting up. He knows exactly that I don't like to get woken up like that. I rub my eyes and look at him to see him giving me his cute face and I immediately hug him to make him feel better.

I look at the clock on my nightstand and notice it's only 6:43. That means Charles or James will come in the next minutes to open the curtains and wake me up. Ugh. It's really weird with all this butler stuff. I feel a bit like I have no privacy. But it's only their job and apparently Harry told them to do this.

At exactly 6:45 James comes in and opens the curtains, letting the sun shine through the window. He sees me already sitting up on the bed and leaves again, no need to wake me up anymore. I stretch once more and then get up to shower quickly and then change into a pair of Jeans and a black graphic shirt. I go downstairs and wait for Harry so we can eat. I look at the watch on the wall and notice it's already 7:09. It's very unlike Harry to be late. No matter if it's a meeting or only breakfast. After another five minutes, Molly probably has pity on me and gives me my food and I start eating, not caring about Harry at the moment.

I know it's not really nice of me but I don't know how long he'll take and I'm hungry. When I'm almost done eating I hear someone coming down the stairs and expect to see Harry but it's not. It's a girl. I've never seen her in this house before when friends were over but she apparently stayed the night. She's pretty. That's clear as day. She has long brown hair and she's wearing a tight top and black leggings, which really compliment her body. When she sees me sitting at the table she smiles at me and comes over.

"Hey, I'm Kendall," she greets sticking out her hand, which I take while saying, "I'm Louis. Nice to meet you", "You too"

She sits down and just then Harry comes downstairs. He says good morning to everyone and then also sits down in his usual spot. He's wearing a black suit, as always. Does he ever wear anything else? His hair is still a bit messy and he looks tired. I feel something deep inside but I don't know what it is exactly. Molly brings them both their food and takes my empty plate back to the kitchen. I force a smile on my face when I get up, look at Harry shortly and go upstairs, probably going unnoticed by them. When I'm in my room I see Bentley laying on my bed and decide to go for a walk with him. I go back downstairs with him and take his leash and collar and put it on. Charles comes over and opens the door for me.

"Do you want me to drive you somewhere?"

"No, I'm just going for a walk to get a bit of fresh air."

"Okay, have fun."

"Thank you."

I go outside and walk down the too long driveway and when I finally reach the gate I'm already a bit exhausted. Well, I didn't do anything other than sitting around for over two years. Nevertheless, I walk through the gate and down the road until I see a park between a few houses and go there. It's the most beautiful park I've ever been to. It's really well kept and has so many pretty flowers. I walk around and then sit down in the middle of a big flower field and watch Bentley run around.

This all here is so overwhelming for me. Just this neighborhood alone. The people here all have so much money that they don't know where to put it so they build big mansions and buy hella expensive cars just like that. It's sad that just a little over one week ago I was complaining about these people and now I'm probably seen as one of them. I don't really want to be one of them because then the other people will think I'm an asshole just like most of the rich.

I pick up a few flowers and start making a flower crown. I'm surprised I still know how to make them. My grandma showed it to me when I was younger before she sadly passed away, and I would always make some for my mom before she passed away too. When Bentley comes up to me a while later I notice I already made three crowns. How did I not notice that?

Is this World really that bad? |Larry Stylinson AU (unfinished complete)Where stories live. Discover now