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"Good morning love." Douglas whispered in Allison's ear as he kissed her forehead. Allison felt his warm hand touch her cold body. She rolled over to Douglas's side of the bed and curled into his warm body. He started to play with her hair (which Allison loved).
"What are we doing today?" Allison asked in her raspy morning voice.
"What ever you want." Douglas said as he looked into her deep brown eyes.
It has been about a year since Allison left Beacon Hills. She couldn't be more happier though. Her new life in Brooklyn was extraordinary.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Douglas asked as he got out of bed. He grabbed his white t-shirt from off the floor and started to put it on. All Allison could do was stare.
"Uh, yeah. That sounds good." She stumbled to say. A smirk crossed her face. Douglas laughed and walked towards the kitchen. Allison grabbed her phone off the nightstand. She saw a text from Lydia.
*Hey Alli! I have some amazing news! Text me back when you read this.
*Hey Lyds. What's up?
* I am coming to New York this summer!
* Oh my gosh! That is amazing Lydia. I am so excited! Are you staying with Stiles?
* Yeah I am. He told me he found a perfect apartment for the two of us.
* That is amazing Lyds! I cannot wait to see you. I will text you later. Douglas made me breakfast. Bye Lydia!
Allison could smell cinnamon throughout the apartment.
"Smells good babe." She said as she took a bite of bacon.
"Only the best for my girl." He said as he took the cinnamon rolls out of the oven. Alli walked over to Douglas and rapped her arms around his waist. He slowly turned around and their eyes met. He brushed her curly hair behind her ear and leaned in for a kiss. The two pulled away.
"Are you hungry?" Douglas asked as his cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.
"Um heck yes." Allison laughed as took a bite out of one of the warm cinnamon rolls. "These are amazing. High praise to the chef."
"High praise to Pillsbury." Douglas laughed as he walked over to the kitchen table. Before Allison could sit, she was interrupted by a knock on the door. She walked over to the door and opened it, but was surprised to see who was there.
"Scott?" She said as her heart dropped. It has been a year since they broke up. A year since she had seen him last.
"Hey Alli. Can I-" Scott said as he was interupted.
"Shut up and wait five seconds." She slammed the door and ran over to the counter top to grab her keys and wallet.
"Who is it?" Douglas asked as he took a sip of his orange juice.
"It's Lauren and I am needed at the bakery like now. Call you later. Love you!" She kissed his cheek and bolted out the door.
"Love you too?" He said with a confused tone.
"Okay. Follow me." Allison said as she shut the door. She quickly walked down the hallway.
"Wait up!" Scott said as he frantically followed her.
"So how is college?" Allison asked as she took a sip of her tea.
"Good. I am really enjoying it. How is Brooklyn treating you?" Scott asked as he put down his coffee mug.
"Perfect. I'm working at a bakery near downtown New York." Allison said as she looked down at her tea cup. Should I tell him about Douglas? I mean that would be weird right? I probably should tell him though. What harm could it do?"
"I am seeing someone." The two said at the same time.
"Great. That is great. What is her name?" Allison said in a kind of happy tone. She was shocked to hear he had moved on. He really didn't like her anymore.
"Her name is Rachel. We met last semester at a party one of room mates was throwing." Scott said as he tried not to make eye contact with Allison.
"Awesome. I am really happy for you Scott." She said trying to mean it. Am I really happy for him though?
"What about your new guy?" He said trying to make the conversation less awkward then it already was.
"His name is Douglas. We sat next to each other on the bus going to Brooklyn." She tried really hard to smile, but for some reason she couldn't.
"I am not trying to be rude, but why are you here?" She asked him as she looked into his eyes.
"I am actually heading to Stiles's new apartment and he told me where I could find you." Scott said as he looked back into her eyes. Little did she know he was lying. He was lying about everything. He lied about his new girl, his amazing college life, and why he came to see her. The truth is, he missed Allison. She is his first love and will be his last. When he heard she had moved on though, he had to act like he had done the same.
"Cool. Um well I have to go. I am late for work. I will call you sometime and maybe we could get the whole gang back together?" She got out of her seat and grabbed her wallet and keys.
"Yeah sounds great." He said as he pushed in his chair. Allison walked over to Scott and hugged him. She whispered in his ear.
"I missed you Scott."
"I missed you too Alli."
Well I hope you enjoyed. I actually really liked writing this chapter, and I cannot wait to see what it leads to.
Don't forget to comment ideas and feedback!

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