Darkness~Part 8

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Me: Ya, so I haven't updated in forever!!!!!! Like so long!!!!!!!!!! Sorry! This is dedicated to https://www.wattpad.com/user/ScribbSocks who got me off my butt and working on this again! Thanks! Now, the moment you've been waiting for...... Ross confesses that he's a sloth!

Ross: No... I'M NOT A SLOTH!!!


Ross: I was summoned by my pride being hurt. Sprinkles brought me. He can do lots of things...... lots of things.

Me: Well.... now your here, we can carry on with the story.

Ross: Sure M'Lady.

Me: *Blush* Oh stahp! (Wait, cut out that last bit! YOU SAW NOTHING! HISSSSSSSS!)


Your POV:

You got in Adam's car, sweating slightly. You wiped the sweat from your brow and stare straight ahead, trying not to make eye contact.

"Hi." You try to say nonchalantly, but fail.

"H-hey... you..." He greets, putting the shift in gear and pushing on the gas (CAUSE 'MERCA!). The engine stutters to life and you head off down the street.

You can hear him breathing, the sound simultaneously going with the soft rise and fall of his chest. You look at him out of the corner of your eye. He seems to be concentrating on driving, so you let him be. You can feel your heart banging in your chest, and you pray that he can't hear it... that would be embarrassing.

Just as you are about to throw up from nerves Adam puts the indicator on and pulls over. Your head spins with nausea and you grip the edge of the car seat.

"Are you Ok? You've been sitting there for like 10 minutes." Adam says snapping in your face as he holds the door open for you.

"Oh... oh I'm sorry!" You say quickly, shaking your head and getting out the car. You feel Adam's hand on your back and you feel tingles down your spine. You freeze.

"Are you sure your fine? I could take you back, your just down the stre-" His voice fades out and silences as your vision blackens and you fall further and further into the darkness.


"w__t-_a__pp_n_d-t_-_er?"You hear a faint whisper come towards you in your solitude.

"_he_-d_-y_u-_h__nk-_h_'ll-w_k_-_p?" The sounds drift to you through your consciousness. You open your eyes to the black void.

"S_e-mo_v_d!" You hear someone say. You swim upwards, up and up. It's like getting through tar, black and oily.

"P_eas_-w_ake-_p." You swim faster, outstretching your hand. You become tired with each kick of your legs. Your lungs gasp for air. Just when your about to give up... you see a light.

"Please wake up."

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