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▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲❝In which the journey begins

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In which the journey begins.

SHE SAT ON THE WOODEN bench alone. By now, Margo had no idea what to do, or how to fix it. It probably didn't have a way of fixing it.

About three hours before, she guessed, she had woken up in a dirty alley. There was nothing but blood, that stained her clothes and up her neck. It felt stickier than she imagined. From the huge signs, it seemed Margo was in New York City, United States. It was big. The entire city was completely full, you could hardly walked without bumping into strangers— except everyone she touched, accidentally or on purpose, didn't even feel it. No one could see, feel or hear her, and it was frustrating.

Margo didn't have memory of anything that happened before she woke up, only her own name. She didn't know why or if the blood on her t-shirt was hers, but all she felt at that moment was fear. And that fear made her cry for hours. God, she cried so much. Margo still had tears and puffy eyes when she found the empty bench on the park. She quietly sat on it, staring at the stores ahead with a blank expression. Why couldn't she remember something, anything?

  Perhaps, she got in the middle of some voodoo stuff and it kind of went south. Maybe she was actually in a coma, just dreaming this terrible nightmare.


   "Watch where you're going, Asshole,"

   Those two different voices caught her attention in the middle of all the traffic sounds of the city. Her head snapped to her right, glancing at the sidewalk where a man grumbled under his breath, staring at his to-be dinner, now splattered on the floor. A woman in fancy clothes, who she guessed bumped into him, kept walking, bitch-facing the man.

   Margo snorted, it wasn't funny, she even felt bad for the poor guy who wasted his money on something he wouldn't be able to eat anymore. She looked at the food on the ground.

   "What even is that?" she voiced her thoughts aloud, knitting her eyebrows together.

   "It's a burger," he answered, adding, "was a burger. Dammit."

   Margo's eyes widened so much she was sure they would pop out of her head. She stared at him, wondering if it was her he'd just talked to. Had she imagined it? The man wasn't giving his attention to her, instead focusing on the burger and car keys on his hand, solving the dilemma in his head.

   Not even knowing what to think, the brunette got up from the bench and cautiously walked over to the handsome guy. She analyzed his features closely, they were harsh, but still young. He wore a leather jacket and old jeans, his hair a dirty blond.

   "I'm Margo," she introduced herself, her voice louder and more high-pitched than necessary.

   The man looked up at her, she wanted to go out jumping and squealing of joy. He had heard her. "Dean." He extended his big hand.

   Margo grinned so much her face hurt, but she couldn't stop it. The woman grasped his hand and eagerly shook it. Dean frowned slightly, staring at her like a mad woman. She probably was, much more looked like it. He hadn't noticed the blood covering most of her body, it was understandable considering how dark it was. Just as that thought crossed her mind, his eyes drifted down casually, his spine visibly stiffened, however his expression remained the same.

"Yeah... I'd love to stay and talk, but I kinda gotta go," he nodded along his words, his face completely expressionless. Margo instantly panicked, reaching forward to keep her firm grip on his arm.

   "No, wait!" she shook her head desperately. "You— you can't."

   "I'm sorry?" he cocked an skeptical eyebrow, pushing his arm out of her reach easily. Dean took a small step back, his hand subtly positioned over his the edge of his jeans, ready to grab the gun from his hidden holster at any moment.

   "It's just— I—" Margo started gagging, not sure how to proceed from this point. She took a deep breath and lifted her hands in the air in a gesture for him to calm down. "I know you probably won't believe me, but no one else can see me. Just you. So if you could just... not run away and leave me here helpless, I would really appreciate it."

    The man was silent for what felt like an eternity. And then he did something she didn't expect. She should have, she was already expecting multiple reactions from him, but not that. He started laughing. Laughing. And not just an innocent chuckle, no, he was laughing so hard people even started staring as they passed by. That certainly got her offended.

"Uhm, you think this is funny?" she restrained herself to not snap or scream at him. Margo crossed her arms on her chest, glaring at the man.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I do," he didn't even bother to hide his stupid mocking smirk. "What is this? Some sort of prank? A TV program, what?"

"A 'TV program'?" she repeated. Dean had that stupid smirk on his face, like he'd just discovered a mine of gold. "This isn't a joke, dimwit, it's my life!"

"Yeah, right," his eyebrows were raised as he put his hands inside his jacket's pockets. "Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Margo."

The way he said her name sounded like some sort of inside joke between the two, and did it frustrate her. Dean tipped his head and passed her, their shoulders brushing just slightly, still, the hair on the back of her neck stood as she realized how real that felt. More real than anything she tried for the past hours. It all felt cold, so cold, the people, the walls, the grass, everything, she could barely feel it. But not that slight touch, that felt normal.

   Noticing that pressure sliding away from her shoulder faster than she wanted to, she turned on her heels, her gaze following Dean's back retreating. She couldn't let him go just like that, without any answers, without any hope. Margo wouldn't let that, however much it took of her pride and dignity, she was certain she would make him help her.

   With a long sigh, Margo marched forward, bolting into a sprint after him. "Dean, hold up!"


That was that. Very short, but they met! And this is terrible but I tried.

Don't forget to click on that lil old star in the corner, comment and tell me what you think of the chapter <3

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