Happy ending (Last chapter)

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Phil: After I calmed down Dan we both went back to Danielle's room I stayed in the doorway while Dan talked to them. Half way through there conversation I heard Harry crying so I went into his room to see what was wrong. "What's wrong Harry?" I hope he was ok. "Papa I lost my favorite toy! I can't find it." Oh well I guess it's time for a toy hunt. "Well what did it look like?" I hope it wasn't really small because I have to get to recording videos soon with Dan. "its my lion Papa! I cant find it!" I then looked in his toy box and looked in the bottom. "Here it is!" I took it out and gave it to him. After I gave it to him he smiled. "Thank you Papa. Your the best!" I picked him up and hugged him. He looked really happy and so did I. Dan,Danielle, and Matt then came into Harry's room. "Phil what's wrong? I heard Harry crying." "It's ok Dan he just lost his Lion." Dan then came over and kissed me on the lips. "Daddy eww." Harry said. I didn't mind I was happy. I then put Harry down so he could play with his toys. "Danielle do you mind watching your little brother for a while. Me and your Papa are going to the shopping center to get some stuff." What are we going to get at the shopping center? "Sure Dad I will watch Harry until you get back!" Then I was thinking about what they were going to do for supper because it was almost time for supper. "Um Dan what are they going to do for dinner?" I hope he had a plan. "Oh um here Danielle. This is to order some pizza when you get hungry ok?" Of course pizza. Well at least there getting fed. "Ok Dad see ya!" After that me and Dan were in the car holding hands. I was happy. Really really happy.

Dan: I wanted to make it up to Danielle for yelling at her. So I was going to buy her a camra,a new laptop, and also make her a YouTube channel. She has been begging me to help her make one but I have been to busy to. "Dan why are we going to the shopping center?" Oh I guess I forgot to tell Phil why we were going to the shopping center. "Well Phil you know how Danielle has been asking me to help her with making a YouTube channel. Well I want to make it up to her for yelling at her I'm going to buy her a camera, a new laptop, and I'm also going to make her channel for her." I hope he doesn't get mad at me. "Oh Dan that is a wonderful idea! She will love it!" After he said that he kissed me on the cheek. When we got there we went straight to the electronic store. After we bought Danielle's stuff we went to go find somewhere to eat. After we ate we got back in the car to go to Louise's house to set up Danielle's laptop and everything else. "Hey Louise can we go somewhere to record something for Danielle on her camera." Phil asked. "Sure Phil just go back down that hallway and the last room on to your left." What was Phil doing? "Thanks Louise! Now come on Dan lets go!" We go back to the room and record a video for Danielle saying sorry and that we love her. When we finished we got in the car and headed home. When we got home Harry was asleep. Matt and Danielle were in the lounge watching a movie. I sneakily went into Danielle's room and set up her stuff. "Danielle! Come here please!" I hope she isn't mad at me.

Danielle: When I heard my Dad call for me I froze. I didn't know what he wanted. Was he going to ground me? Take my Phone? I went into my room and got a great surprise from my Dad. "Danielle I'm sorry for yelling at you but I just don't want to see you getting hurt." I then hugged my Dad and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Dad! Inge you." I haven't said that in awhile. "I love you to Danielle." When my Dad left my room I checked my camera and saw a video on there. Later that night I watched it. ~Beginning of video~ Dan: hey Danielle if your watching this I just want to say I'm sorry. I yelled because me and your Papa don't want to see you getting hurt. I know your now a beautiful young lady but...*starts to cry* Phil: but we just don't want you to leave us. You were the start of our family. We don't want to let you go yet.
~end of video~ after I watched that I went into my parents room and woke them up and hugged them. "I promise Dad and Papa I will never leave you. I love you." After I said that I started crying tears of happiness. "We love you to Danielle." After a couple of minutes I went back to my room and went to sleep. The next day my Dad and Papa told me to get dressed up to go to a photo shoot. I didn't ask why I just go dressed and went out to the car a waited with Harry. When we got to the photo studio we took pictures for our family photo. Afterwards I got my own copy of the photo to put in my room. When we got home I hung the picture above my bed. I was happy to have this weird,loving,funny, and wonderful family.

(That's it!! I hope you enjoyed it. You probably think I'm a monster giving a 3 month old baby cancer but I wanted to try to make people cry ok! I try and like I said no hate please this is my first book. There will be a book about Dan and Phil's past when they met and started dating. I also made another book called Ghost. I guess that's it for this book so... BYE!!!)

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