Not The End

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No offense to anybody, but I assume some readers didn't catch on to my style of writing. I like to make some chapter titles significant quotes from the chapter. Also, my chapters aren't chronologically consistent. All time moves forward, but the events in the next chapter don't happen right after the previous one. I just wanted to clear that up. I know it's a very unorthodox way of writing. What can I say? I'm an inovater. Lol.

Weiss' P.O.V.

I lunged forward, piercing the dummy where a human heart would have been. Stupid Goodwitch has us fighting in a class tournament. I can be spending my time doing more productive things, like studying. That Badwitch called me an ameture. If anything I am the best swordsman in the whole school. I pull my rapier out of the dummy, then slash it repeatedly. Out of pure anger I begin to shred the dummy into peices. Why does she get to judge me the same whay my father did? I came to beacon to escape people like him. Maybe coming here was a mistake... My tantrum and thoughts are interrupted by a silky voice calling name.

"Weiss!" Blue calls. "Oh, hey Blue. I was kinda of in the middle of something." I say with unwarranted attitude. "Haha. Yea, I can tell..." Blue says nervously. "What do you want?" I ask, still quite irritated by Ms. Goodwitch's behavior. "I came to tell you something." He replys. After a short pause I can't help but egg him on. "Well. I'm waiting!" I yell. Blue looks up at me in surprise. "Maybe I'll tell you when your a little calmed down." He says with a little worry in his eyes, but mostly fear. He turns to walk away but I grab his arm pulling him back. "No! No. I... Just let me get my things and I'll be right back. Okay?" I say. I can't sit here and be angry all day. I figure a little time with Blue is the best thing for me right now. "Sure." He says with a smile on his face. I smile back, then walk to the locker rooms to gather my belongings.

After taking a quick shower in the locker room stalls, I walk back to Blue with my duffel bag on my shoulder. "So what did you have to say?" I ask him politely.
"Can you wait till we get back to the dorms?" He asked politely. "Sure." I say in an upbeat tone. On the way to our dorm we talk about; how classes have been going, how my job at the coffee shop has been working out, and how life has been treating us in general.

We reach the dorm, both of us a little reluctant to end our time enjoying eachothers presence so much. But, Blue opens the door and bows slightly. "After you ma' lady." Blue says with a huge grin. After a tiny giggling fit, I curtsy then enter the room. "Why thank you, sir Blue." I say. He laughs a little then follows me in. "BLUE!!!!!!!" Ruby yells. She jumps off her bed, clasping onto Blue for dear life. After some struggling Blue manages to move her from his chest to his arm. Which I doubt is any better. She's hanging onto him the same way she would a rope. Blue sighs, then says, "Hi Ruby.". Yang hops off her bed, and depressingly waves. "Sup, Blue cheese." Yang says. Blake just murmers a hello and goes back to reading her book. I notice sort of an upset tension in the room. "Blue, what is it you have to tell me?" I ask, worried that it's something horrible.

After everyone settled down (mostly Ruby) Blue started to talk. He completely ignored, and is still ignoring, the elephant in the room. "Blue." I interrupt his story about his sibling or something another. He looks at me with a deep sadness in his eyes. Though he still manages to pull off a reassuring smile. "I guess I can't beat around the bush anymore." Blue says rhetorically. "No you can't." I say with a pretentious attitude. "Weiss... I'm leaving for a mission..." Blue says, but I interrupt him. "Well why isn't the team getting ready?" I ask, looking accusedly in Blake and Yangs direction. "Weiss..." Blue says, silently urging me with his eyes to vanquish my denial. "I haven't told you the details and your already in denial." Blue jokes, but I can tell he's a little serious. "What do you mean?" I ask, hoping to live my preemptive denial for a little while longer. "I'm leaving to kill Cinder, I won't be back for months. I might no..." Blue stops himself then completely drops what he was going to say. "My epuipment is packed and ready. The flight crew is just waiting on me." He says. He grabs Night Moon, his two long swords. "We'll walk you out." Yang suggests. "That'd be nice..." Blue says. While they were talking I sat there processing what Blue said, and why this info was so dire.

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