Ch.1 The Olds and the News

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    I do not own the picture. Just to let you know. But this is how Melody looks like.
      Today was the day the new animatronics came to the new and improved, Freddy Frazz Bear's Pizza. There was Toy Freddy, Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, Mangle, and Melody. They were in the back of a loading truck. "Hey Mel? You think this place is gonna be good?" Asked T. Chica. "Yea probably. As long as they have night guards to kill I'm fine with it." Melody replied. "Why do you always wanna kill night guards?" T. Chica asked. "It's personal." Mangle was the only person who knew why Melody killed night guards. She wasn't a toy. She was actually a human child. Living in a small black, and silver fox suit. The toys have been transported from one pizzeria to another. They didn't know was that they are replacements for their older versions.

     At the pizzeria in the parts and service room. The older animatronics were all beat up and scrapped. Bonnie had no face and left arm. Foxy had a hole in his chest. Chica's beak was very loose. But Freddy was fine. "I heard they are replacing all of us." Freddy said, breaking the silence. "We heard. Which is pissing me off. Why would they replace us?" Bonnie asked. "Because were old." Foxy said. "Still there is no excuse to replace us. Either way I hope the replacements are nice." Chica said. Then they heard what sounded like a truck. Then they heard a door open and close. "I guess the replacements are here." Foxy said. "It is better to meet them at night. When no one's around." Bonnie suggested.


    It was now 12:00am. The toys were going into free roaming mode. They took in their surroundings. "This place ain't too shabby." Melody said. "Yea. Let's go exploring! Come on girls!" T. Chica said cheerfully. Your classic girly girl. The girls were walking down the hall. Until they come across the parts and services room. "You think anything's in there?" Asked Mangle. "If there is, I wanna check it out." Said Melody confidentiality. Melody opened the door to be greeted by the older animatronics on the floor. "Cool! They look like the older versions of us! Wait..." Melody realized that they are the older versions of them. "That's because we are the older versions of you. Well, maybe not the black, silver fox." Said Foxy from his corner. "Woah, what happened to you guys?" T. Chica asked. "We've been scrapped if you haven't noticed already." Bonnie said harshly. "No probs! Me and T. Bonnie can fix you up." Melody offered. She has been training with T. Bonnie so that's how she knows. "Really? You can fix us all?" Freddy asked. "I don't know. What would the rest of the toys think?" Mangle asked. "They just have to deal with it. We can't just leave them. They clearly need help." Melody said. Melody walked over to Foxy and dragged him out the door. "I can walk you know." Foxy said. "Sorry." The girls dragged the rest to the main party room.

     Once they got to the main room. The rest of the toys looked surprised. "Who are they? And what are you doing?" T. Freddy asked. "Fixing now. Questions later. Bon bon can you help me fix them?" Melody asked. Bon bon nodded and they started fixing the old gang.

    Now that they were fixed. It was now time for questions. "So who are you? And what are you doing here?" T. Freddy asked. "We are the older versions of you to start off with. I'm Freddy, that's Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy." Freddy introduced. "And we practically live here. Though we ended up in the parts and services room." Fred explained. "Ok. Seems legit. I'm Melody. That's T. Freddy, Bon bon, Mangle, and T. Chica." Mel introduced. "Nice to meet you. So are we like friends?" Fred asked. "Sure. From now on the olds and the news are friends."

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