Chapter Twenty Seven

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Where the hell...? Lizz opened her eyes and shook her head a bit, clearing it. She stood from her chair and looked around, "Guys... did it work?"

 Kai's eyes opened a bit and he got a good look at everything. He groaned, but probably from being delirious, "It didn't. See? I told you it wouldn't work."

 Cole stood up, "Uh... I think it did... Look," he motioned towards Zane. 

 Zane stood up and walked around a little bit, finally raising his arm to see letters and numbers running over him, "I think this is most definitely the Digiverse."

 Jay squealed, "This is most definitely awesome!" he scurried over and bumped his hands on the wall, causing the source code to appear.

 Cole walked to the window, looking out at the city, "It's... it's like a dream..."

 Lizz looked around, grinning, "This is so weird..."

 She laughed when Jay suddenly ran over and socked Cole a good one in the shoulder. Cole, in return, held his shoulder and jumped away from Jay, "Ow! What was that for?!"

 Jay shrugged, "Just testing the rules. Rule number one: Cole's a crybaby!"

 Zane took a few steps forward, "We know we can still get hurt in the Digiverse," he explained calmly, "Let's stay on task," slowly he reached behind him and pulled the Techno Blade off his back, holding it up as the blade unfolded, "We have the keys," Zane's free hand reached up to pull the bottom half of his mask over his mouth, "Now let's find that activation point." 

 One by one the others did as he did, pulling up their masks and activating the Techno Blades. Lizz glared at hers. If it wasn't for this damn thing, I'd still have a normal life. However, the more she thought about it the more she didn't want to go back to her other life. She felt included here.

 "Okay," Jay put his Blade away, shoving it back on his back, glancing around "How do we get outta here?"

 "I don't know," Kai waved his hands, "This isn't my kind of stuff."

 "C'mon, airhead," Cole groaned, "Your stuff is escape plans. Think of something."

 Lizz raised an eyebrow. Were they always like this? She put her Blade back on her back, too, but left her mask on because it made her feel cool, "Why don't we move around?" she suggested, "Can't think of how to get out if we don't do anything."

 "She has a point," Zane put his Blade away, too.

 They spread out , looking for ideas, but the elevators wouldn't work and the were on the tippy-top floor of the tallest building ever made. It didn't quite look like they were going anywhere anytime soon.

 That is how they got to be standing on a six-inch wide ledge on the outside of the window, courtesy of Lizz, "Lizz!" Cole stressed, "This was a horrible idea!"

 "It's not my fault!" she shot back, pressing herself against the wall. They were really high up, "Just because I say something doesn't mean you have to listen!"

 Zane waved at them to tell them to shut up, "The source code seems to be moving towards the same location."

 "Then let's follow it," Kai suggested angrily.

 "Easier said than done," Cole gave Kai a look.

 Jay had started grinning again, "Are you forgetting? We're in a video game!" he jumped off the ledge, free falling several stories until he landed on something about a quarter of the way down, "Rule number two: video games rule!"

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