Chapter 2 -Jayson

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"DAD!!!!!!!!!" I screamed. I turned around to see two men and a woman holding sawed-off shotguns. One of the men had Ariel by the neck,she appeared to be unconscious,and the woman had a smoking shotgun resting on her shoulder. "AGGHHHHHHHH" I screamed and ran after them,they heard me and ran to their dune buggy leaving me behind with a horde of zombies,my dead parents and no one to talk to. In justa couple minutes, I some how managed to lose my entire family. "Mom.....Dad........Ariel....." Why..... WHY WHHHHY!!!!!!!" I screamed. Dumb idea,about 5 infected started moving my way. I ran into the house and restocked on hunting knives I grabbed my hunting vest and also my dads spaz-12 assualt shotgun. I found our 4 wheeler Atv and took off down the road with tears in my eyes. "Bye mom Bye dad,I love you always......" and right then and there I swore to find Ariel and avenge my parents.

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