Chapter 3

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Today is the day when Maya is flying out from Colorado. She was supposed to arive last night, but the flight was delayed due to the unpredictable Colorado weather. Her flight is supposed to arrive at 2 and it is 8am now. I decide to get in the shower. I washed my hair and blow dried it. I decided to give it a light curl. Maya' s hair is the same as mine, but a little longer. I wore a light blue crop top with white high waisted jeans with little holes in them and Ethan's hoodie. I did my makeup a little heavier than usual because anytime Maya and I are together, we take a lot of pictures.

I went downstairs and put a bagel in the toaster and when it was ready, I some cream cheese on it. I poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat at the table. My mom left a note of the counter saying what time Maya's flight would land and that she wanted to leave early this morning to go for a jog on the beach and she was going to go shopping after.

I went on my phone and scrolled through all of my social media and I decided to FaceTime my friend, Elizabeth, from back home. We talked for what seemed like 30 minutes but was actually about 3 hours. I told her I had to go and pick Maya up and I would talk to her later. We hung up and I ran upstairs to brush my teeth and make sure I looked good. I ran down stairs and grabbed my white vans by the front door. I took one last look in the mirror, grabbed my car keys and purse.

I got in the car and blasted my music. I turned on, ' Love Yourself' by Justin Bieber. I honestly don't like him much (I'm sorry) but I like a few of his songs. The only songs I like by him are 'Love Yourself', 'Sorry', and 'What Do You Mean'. I blasted the music and screamed the lyrics. 'Love Yourself' is one of mine and Maya' s favorite songs. The next song that played was, 'Live Like You Were Dying' by Tim McGraw. I love country music coming from Colorado. Growing up in Colorado, the are a lot of country stations. After an hour and a half drive, I finally arrived at the airport. I grabbed my phone and my keys, along with my ID, and I went inside.

It was around 2:45 when I got through security and I sat in front of the gate where she was arriving at. 

At 2:50, I saw her plane come in and then people came off of the plane.

Then I finally saw her! She dropped her carry on bag and came running over to me.


"Maya!!" I yelled as I gave her a hug.

"Where is mom? She said you were staying home and she was going to come and pick me up!"

"I decided to come and get you myself!"

We went to baggage claim and grab her one bag. The rest of her stuff was already at our house.

"Our rooms are so cool! Our rooms are connected by a big wall that can open and close. It is so weird but very cool. We didn't set up your room yet. Mom wanted to wait until you got here to set up your room. Grayson, Ethan, & I set up your bed though. But you can move it wherever."

"Who are Grayson and Ethan?" She asked, curiosity clear in her voice.

"Grayson and Ethan are twins just like us. They live right next door and have an older sister named Cameron. We are hanging out with them tonight at our house, by the way. Oh and they are really hot twins. I really like Ethan. Like A LOT! This is his hoodie that I'm wearing. It smells just like him. They are coming over tonight and they said they will help us put our rooms together"

"Cool! I can't wait to meet them!" She said with a smirk.

On our way home we play some music. We like all the same music. We listen to 'Love Yourself' first, because it is our favorite song. Then a song named 'Alyssa Lies' came on. Our dad used to sing this the song. It is such a sad song we both almost cried. Then we listened to the song ' The Hills' and we screams at the top of our lungs.

We finally got home and it was around 4:30 and Grayson and Ethan wrestling in their front yard. Before we got out I said to Maya, "Those are the twins that I was telling you about."

We got out of the car and waved to them.

"What time do you want to hang out?" Asked Grayson.

"Do do you guys want to come over around 5:30? We can hang out for a few and then you can eat dinner with us and then we can have a movie night. Does that sound good?" I asked.

"Yeah that sounds perfect. See you then." Said both Grayson and Ethan.

Maya and I got inside with her bags and my mom ran to Maya.

"I missed you so much Maya!"

"I missed you too, Mom!" Said Maya.

"I'm going to give Maya a quick tour, then she can freshen up a little. I invited Grayson and Ethan to come over at 5:30 and invited them to dinner, then we are going to watch a couple movies. Is that okay?"

"That's fine sweetie. I'm so glad that there are other kids your age in the neighborhood. I'm making meatloaf. Is that okay?" She asked.

"That sounds perfect Mom!!" Maya and I said at the same time. We walk towards the kitchen and I gave her a quick tour of the house and showed her her room and her bathroom to freshen up and then I heard the doorbell. The twins were here!

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