Chapter 10

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I woke up and nobody was around. But it sounded like someone was breaking in to my house and sounds like there were dying cats in my kitchen.

I walk into the downstairs bathroom and grab the only "weapon" that I see. A plunger. I grab the plunger and my phone and walk quietly up the stairs. I quietly walk into the kitchen and hear "When she calls" by Sam Pottorff playing and I still hear dying cats. I turn the corner and see Ethan, Maya, and Grayson making breakfast. They were the dying cats that I was hearing. Wait what is that? Pancakes. My favorite!

"You guys scared the crap out of me. I thought that there was someone breaking into the house. What happened. What was the loud thud I heard?" I asked.

"So you grabbed a plunger for your weapon? And that was Grayson and Maya play fighting and then dropping a pan." Ethan replied.

"What else was I supposed to use? That was the only thing that I could find."

"You could have gotten the pepper spray that we keep under the sink for that exact reason." Maya said.

"Thanks. Nice to know now. I forgot that was there."

"You guys keep pepper spray under the sink downstairs?" Grayson asked.

"Yep" I walked into the kitchen and bent down to the cabinet under the sink then I walked to the pantry and then to the fridge. "We also keep pepper spray under all of the sinks in the house, Maya and I both have some in our bedside tables and they are literally scattered all over the house, so don't even think about messing with us. Is the food ready?" I said.

"Wow. Paranoid much?" Grayson asked.

"It's a safety thing, dill hole." I said while laughing.

"Pancakes are done. The bacon is almost done." Maya says.

Maya was cooking, Grayson was sitting at the table, and Ethan was leaning on the corner of the kitchen. I walked over to Maya to get my food, then I feel myself getting picked up. Ethan picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He started tickling my thighs because he knows that that is the only place on my body that is ticklish. He took me to the couch and lay me down while he kept tickling me. He tickled me until I couldn't breathe, and I was laughing so hard I was crying.

"Me first." Said Ethan while running into the kitchen and grabbing a plate for food.

We all ate our food and then went upstairs to get changed and then we got our penny boards  and then we were off to Starbucks. The ride there seemed short, and I don't know why.

When we got their, we ordered our usuals and found a table. While we were sitting at the table, I see a girl with shoulder length dirty blonde hair ride up to the coffee. She was all by her self. She was wearing a white helmet, a green, white, and pink hoodie, light blue boot cut jeans, and black and mint green vans. I don't know what it was about her, but something about her stood out to me.

So, me being me, I went and talked to her.

"Hey, I'm Brett. I saw you riding from my table. How long have you been boarding for?"

"Hey, I'm Lia. I have been boarding since I was like 6. I love long boarding and penny boarding."

"Me too! Are you new to town?"

"Yeah I just moved here from Colorado 1 week ago and I'm trying to find places in town."

"Cool. I just moved here from Colorado about 2 months ago, too. What part of Colorado are you from?"


"No way, me too. I lived there almost all of my life."

"Wow. What elementary school did you go to?"

"Skyview. What about you?"

"I went to Tozer and then Mountain View. And then for middle school I went to severance and my first year of high school I went to Rocky."

"Cool. I know a lot of people that went to those schools."


"Hey can I have your number so we can hang out some time?"

"Sure. That'd be nice!." So I gave her my phone and she entered her contact and texted her phone so she would know it was me that would be texting her.

After she entered her contact into my phone, I walked back to my table and she left the shop. I looked for her contact and I didn't see one under the contact of 'Lia' but I did see an unfamiliar one with a contact name of 'Homie'.

When we were going home, I got a text from a person I didn't know. It said, I need to talk to you, Brett. Please give me a chance. I ignored the text and went home. Ethan and Grayson knew about the text, and it bothered them. It bothered me, too, the more I thought about it. We all were downstairs at about 7 at night. It was still kind of light out. Then we hear a knock at the door. I get up go answer it, but before I do, I hear a familiar voice saying, "Come on Brett, or Maya, open the door. I know you are in there." Ethan intertwined our fingers together and we got up to answer the door. What I saw when I opened the door made me cry. I can't believe the people standing in front of me right now.

Don't Take The Girl // Ethan Dolan FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now