Chapter 8

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**Chachi's POV**

I woke up the next morning. Last night after dinner Justin drove me home. Of course, now that we're "dating", we'll be hanging out almost every other day. Today is one of those days.

And that sucks ass.

But I do get to see Chaz and my baby Ryan!!! Just not today :(

I went into my closet and pulled out a brown plaid shirt, some skinny jeans and some black plaid wedge heels. I put in some earrings and did my makeup. Within an hour I ate some cereal and I was out the door.

While I was driving I dialed Justin's number. "Hey baby." he answered. Ugh, I can just see that supidass smirk on his face already.

I scoffed. "Kiss my ass, Bieber." He chuckled. "Anyways. I'm coming over."

"Oh, so I guess I need to get ready and stuff." he said.

"Duh." I answered before hanging up the phone.

Twenty minutes later I pulled up to his house I got out and rung the dooorbell. In no time Pattie answered. "Pattie!!!!" I smiled widely and hugged her. "How are you?"

"I'm great hun," she replied, pulling out of the hug. "And if you're at the door, don't even hesitate to knock. Just come on in." I nodded as she led me into the kitchen.

"So where's you're annoying son?!" I asked loudly.

"I heard that!!!!!" I heard him call from somewhere in the house.

"You were meant to!!!!!" I called back, following the voice I had heard. He was sitting in the dining room towards the back of the house. Dressed and ready. "Sup, Bieber." I asked, leaning against the wall.

"Please, sweetheart, call me Justin." he smiled.

"Eh, no thanks." I shrugged.

He slowly got up and walked over, pressing his body against mine. He leaned down to my ear. "That's okay. When you're screaming it later, you'll remember it." he whispered, slightly nibbling on my ear lobe before pulling away. "Let's go," he said, heading towards the front of the house.

I was frozen. Saying that didn't turn me on would be a big lie. That was am- I snapped out of it and followed him. "You think you're so clever, don't you?"

He laughed. "Yes. Yes I do. But you know what? I think you enjoyed that." he said, as I followed him outside and we got into his car

"Ugh, I'm surprised you haven't got a slut hanging of your arm." I retaliated, taking a sip of my water.

"You offering?" he shot back. I choked and he smirked at me. Okay. He got me there.

"See, I don't think you trust yourself with me," he said as he pulled out of the driveway and drove off.

"Yeah you're so right! I might vomit!" Haha. Go me.

He chuckled and simply said "Sure."

"So where're we going?" I asked.

"Mall. Hope you brought your shades."

I nodded and pulled them out of my purse. I also got my phone and noticed I had a missed call from Jasmine. I decided to call her back now since I probably won't have time later.

"Hello, my love!" she sang into the receiver.

"Hey booboo, you called earlier?" I said.

"Who's that?" Justin asked. I put a finger up to my lips, telling him to shut up.

"Yeah, I was wondering if me, Jess and Jinsu could crash at your place tonight? Mama is coming home tonight and-"

"Silencio! You don't have to explain yourself, hun!" I giggled. "Yeah you can stay over. Just go on over there whenever. You have a key. I'll be home around six."

"Okay, babygirl. See you then!"

"Love you! Bye." I said before hanging up.

Justin gave me a look. "Who was that?"

"Is it really any of your business?" I asked.

"Yeah, since I'm your boyfriend now. You should-"

"Fake. Fake boyfriend. Remember?" I smirked.


"It was Jasmine, you culo! Get over yourself." I laughed as he finally pulled into Lenox Square. He parked in the back and we both got out of the car. He looked at me and held out his hand. "Let's get this show on the road." I sighed and grabbed it.


We've been in the mall for about thirty minutes now and it's going pretty well. Except the paparazzi is ridiculous. Fans stop and ask for autographs, that's fine. But there's this one woman who just will not give up. She's followed us with her stupidass camera into every store. Usually a pap will stay back at an angle and take pictures and videos. But this woman is either right in our face or over our shoulder.

We went over to the food court and sat down. We just looked at each other with the same look of annoyance, knowing the woman was still following us. He started to talk. "So did you-"

"Are you guys having fun today?" she interrupted, standing right in front of our table.

He smiled at her, trying to be nice. "Yes, we are. Thanks." Then he turned back to me and mouthed "Kill me now." I giggled.

"So, Miss Chanel are we going to see you in any more upcoming movies?" she cut in once again. She's been asking frequent questions like this since she found us.

I turned to her just as he did and smiled. "I don't know. Time will tell." Then I turned back, rolling my eyes mentally.

"Do you-"

"Actually me and Chanel are trying to have a conversation so if you don't mind....." Justin cut her off. Haha. I actually like how he doesn't give a shit if that shows up on TMZ.

"Just one more-"

"Please. I'm asking you nicely. I would like to speak to my girlfriend in peace." he said calmly. She slowly nodded and retreated. He let out a huge sigh of relief as soon as she was out of sight.

"Aww. You're a sexy hothead." I laughed. Oh wait. Oops. Did I just say that? I'm supposed to hate him. I hope by some miracle he didnt hear that.

"What was that Chanel?" he asked me, smirking. Yup, he heard it.

"Um nothing." I said, shrinking back into my chair.

"I think we have some things to talk about when we get back home..." he smiled. I shook my head. "Or we can just go straight up to my room. You know, since Ryan and Chaz aren't there..." he wandered off, probably lost in a fantasy world that'll never become reality.

"How long have you had it, Justin?" I asked.

"Had what?"

"This problem with your hearing. How long have you had it?" I asked again.

He chuckled and shook his head.

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