Chapter 4 [ Tears , tears and more tears ]

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Hey there everyone, I will probably update everyday or at least try to. So I hope you all like it so far ? Vote and comment though or I probably won't continue on the story. I need to know people are actually reading it and liking it before I continue on a chapter five. So hurry and comment and vote or this may be my last update! Just thought I'd make that clear, haha. Well continue reading loves ... Also make sure who's point of view it is, so that you don't get confused. I may change half way through the chapter so look out. I know it sucks sorry :b


I can't believe I said that. What if he thinks I meant more than a best mate. I meant I love you as a friend! Ugh I need to tell him. Last night was just crazy. First Eleanor was all shitty over nothing, then harry.

He never told me what was bothering him so much last night. All he did was say "forget about it" and walked home and slept. I wish I knew, zayn and niall said harry wouldn't tell them either. He should be on the verge of waking up soon, its almost 11 am.

"Morning" Harry says walking down the stairs.

"Hey there sleepy head." I say , it was like he almost walked in on cue.

"Sorry, I was just tired from crying so hard last night." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Its fine, and about last night. When I said I loved you I meant as like a best mate or brother. I just didn't want you to think any other way ..." I say feeling bad when I see Harry's look change from joy full to sadness in his eyes . But why would he be sad ? Mabey I'm reading him wrong ...

"Oh I know. Haha I'm no gay kid, I wouldn't think anything more Lou" Harry says trying to convince me, but I know better than that

"Don't fall for me haz, Eleanor would be pissed." I say giving him a flirty look and bumping his shoulder on my way out of the room purposely.


Why does he do this with me! Ugh, I almost think he knows I like him and tries to get me to tell him. But I know that's a lie, plus I'd never tell him. Plus I'm sure this is all just a phase anyways.

I need a shower , so I run up stairs to the main bathroom. The one me and Louis usually use. I walk in and strip down my clothes and hop in. Letting the hot steamy water drizzle down my back. I pick up the shampoo and wash my hair thoroughly and rinse that out and do the same with the conditioner. I clean my body to the point where its literally squeaky clean. As I turn the water off someone knocks on the bathroom door.

"Hurry up has, other people like taking showers to! Gosh it doesn't take an hour to clean yourself!" Louis says loud enough to where I can hear him.

"Oh I'm sorry , didn't realize I was in here for so long. I say startled.

"Its alright haz, just hurry" He says shutting the bathroom door.

I get my towel and wrap it around my waste and walk to my room. And guess who I bumped into. Yep Louis.

"Oh my bad, I wasn't paying attention." I say .

"Its alright, and hey haz is everything alright? You seem a bit dazed today?" He asked confused.

"Yeah I'm fine, just have a lot of things on my mind." I say hoping he doesn't ask what they are.

"OK well if ya like , we could talk about em later?" He ask.

"Yeah, later." I say going to my room and closing the door behind me.

I put on some light gray sweat pants and a dark gray shirt and a light gray beanie. I walk down the stairs and sit on the couch and turn on the telly. Louis comes and sits down right next to me.

"Hey, its later can we talk now?" He ask grinning.

"Sure, but I doubt you'll speak to me after I tell you .." I say honestly.

"Haz, I'll never stop speaking to you. Just tell me" He says.

"Well, you see .." I stutter.

"Spit it out harry!" Louis says laughing.

"I kinda broke your suspenders ..." I lie , not wanting to tell him the truth.

"Haha haz its fine, I have 10 more pairs anyways." He says patting my back. Ahh the feel of him touching me makes me shudder.

"OK good , I'm glad your not mad boo." I say smiling.

"Oh and harry, I need to tell you something, I have had to for a while now .." Louis says with his eyes drifting off in the room.

"What is it Lou?" I ask.

"Um .. nevermind its nothing." He says walking away.

"Alright then." I say confused.

I hear him run up stairs and slam his door. I wonder what's wrong ? So I go up and check. Only to hear Lou crying.

"Lou you alright?" I say while knocking and slowly opening his door.

"J-just you'll never under s-stand!" Louis says in between sobs.

I run to the bed and sit beside him. I'm so worried what's wrong with him.

"Louis , I will understand just tell me boo." I say concerned.

"Well I.. lik- Ugh its nothing! Just never mind. Please just leave and let me rest." He says.

"Alright,  g'night boo,  I'm always here if you need anything." I say walking out the door to my room.

As I lie down I still hear Louis crying softly in his room. I wish I knew what was bothering him so bad. oh well, hell tell me soon hopefully .. I think to myself as I slowly drift off to sleep ...

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