Chapter 7 ( Girls and Drinks )

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Okai,  so credit to my friend tori for writing the chapter!  I helped a bit,  but it was basically all her.  She's amazing,  you should check her out!  Well,  here's your update its absolutely amazing! 

Comment and vote lovely,  it would mean Lots.  Thanks for everything,  guys!  :)  x

Love you lots.  ♥

- Celena

Harry's POV.

It's been a week since I've kissed him. A week since I've talked to him. A whole fucking week filled with awkward silences and avoiding each other. A week of hell. I've never experienced something so painful. Every interview and concert Lou and I are as far from each other as possible and the fans are noticing it.

I'd have to admit, Louis Tomlinson is one of the worst and best thing to ever happen to me. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person to feel like this either.

Maybe I'm disgusting and that's why he doesn't want to talk to me... Yeah that's probably it. Am I really that bad? He's probably straight.. what if he has something against gays? No. No. That's not true. It can't be. Maybe I was just confused. Yeah, I like girls. Girls. Girls. Girls.

I decide to go out. A walk would be so bad, now would it? Nope.

I walk into the cold London air that's nipping at any of my bare skin. I shivered but started my walk, that is, until I run into a short figure with brown hair and hazel eyes. My breath catches in my throat; she was gorgeous. She had perfect curves and a beautiful face. I think she has a cute nose. Is that weird?

She smiled shyly and I helped her up, since she had fallen. I noticed a few cuts in her wrist that she had quickly covered up with her coat again, a nervous expression etched on her features.

I smiled at her, trying to show her that I haven't seen her cuts, even though I have. Her nervousness disappeared and was replaced with an absolutely stunningly gorgeous smile. "Hi love, " I say casually and her cheeks get painted by a light shade of pink. "H-Hi.."

**a month later**

Harry POV.

So, the girl I ran into, Aubrey, and I have just started 'going out'. We're taking it slow but we've kissed. And I really do like her a lot. She's nice. We've talked about her cuts but she still does it. I'm there as much as I possibly can be.

Louis' been going out more. Getting wasted then coming home with a random girl and fucking her. He always kicks them out after he's done with them. Might I add, they are quite loud and it's very annoying.

He started ignoring El. She's getting upset about it and thinks she did something wrong. I don't know what's going on with Louis, but it's scaring me. He seems so.. emotionless but at the same time so sad. Does that make sense?

I hope he clears it up soon..

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