Chapter 2

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(This chapter will be Kuroo's POV)
This song goes perfect with the chapter in my opinion (optional but I recommend listening to it until done with the chapter)

I couldn't stop smiling.
He was always in the back of my head. I kept thinking about all the stuff he's told me. How he's never had any friends before. He's telling himself not to open up but you can tell he wants too. It just makes me want to become closer so he will actually have someone in his life.

I looked over at my phone. Maybe I should text him. So I did. I typed a simple 'Hey Kenma!' Then waited for him to reply.

"So what's your favorite thing?" I asked. We'd been talking for a while.
"Playing video games and sleeping."
"The essentials," I said jokingly. Then he smiled. "Why don't you smile more often? It looks good on you," I said. He looked so confused. "What?" Kenma asked trying to hid his face, but you could still see part of his smile. "I like it when you smile. Even if it's just a small one."
"Oh," was all he could say.
"Hasn't anyone ever told you that?" He looked like he was really nervous about answering. "Haha, um no, because I have no friends," He said trying to make the last part inaudible. "Well, you have me. You have a cute smile," hello said trying to make him feel better.
He smiled genuinely. I looked at the time. Shit, I have to leave. "Hey Kenma, I got to head to work, I'll talk to you later okay?" We said bye then the call ended.

I hurried off to work, but all I could think about was Kenma. I needed to know him better. I needed to be there for him.

~after work~

As soon as I got home from work I had over 100 messages and 20 missed calls. I expected it to be my mom but sadly it wasn't.
It was Bokuto.
Basically, he was rambling about Akaashi and how amazing and perfect he is. I'm happy for the guy, but it's just a bit much. I didn't reply because I didn't want to deal with him at the moment.

'Hey do you want to hang out again sometime?' I texted Kenma.
'Sure, but not with a lot of people. I don't like big crowds' I kind of figured since he went to that small café place. 'That's fine, you can choose then' it was a couple minutes before he replied. 'Do you want to come to my house?'
For some reason I got really excited. I quickly typed that would be awesome. 'I'll be waiting'
I was smiling like crazy. I couldn't wait to see him again.

I got up to the door and knocked. All I heard was a load 'meow' from the inside. Then I heard quick footsteps. He opened the door slightly and looked at me. I had forgotten had small he was in person. His cat slipped through the door and started rubbing against my legs. I leaned down to pet him. "Alex quit," he said opening the door completely. He looked like he just through on some random clothes, but it still looked nice. He picked up his car and invited me in. I looked around. He told me that he lived alone. It was super clean. "So this is my house," he said quietly. "I like it," I said smiling at him. He gave a small smile back. "Do you want to hang out down here or go to my room?" "Either is fine."

We ended up going into his room. He had fairy lights strung around his room. Record covers pinned to his wall. And a ton of video games and books. Plus it smelled of apple pie.
"We can play some video games, if you want," he was so nervous. I nodded and we played Super Mario Karts.
"Quit beating me!" He had won ever game so far. He was smiling. Oh god he is so cute.

He was just staring at me. "Earth to Kenma?" I waved my wand in front of him and he snapped out of it. "What we're ya thinking about?" He shook his head not wanting to reply. We continued playing for a couple more hours.

"Kuroo I'm hungry."
"Then let's go eat."
"But then we would have to go out because I have no food here." He said looking at his sleeping cat.
"We could order pizza." He nodded in agreement.

*buzz buzz*
I looked at my phone and guess who was calling? A crazy owl.
"You can answer it you know," I shook my head, "No because he won't shut up, plus I'm hanging out with you not him."

Once the pizza arrived, we basically devoured it. We were lying on the couch, our stomachs full.
"Key Kenma? Can I ask you something?"
He looked at me and nodded. I was a bit hesitant to ask. "Are you afraid of opening up to me? You don't have to answer that I was just wondering."
He sat there for a while not speaking. He slowly looked up at me. He eyes filled with tears. I ran over to him and held him in my arms. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."
He sobbed into my shirt, holding onto me tightly. We stayed like this for a while. Once he stopped crying he told me how he never had friends, his family was never around. How he was bullied all of his life, he never had anyone there for him. He thought nobody cares about him. "You're wrong." He looked up at me. "I care. I care about you. You worth so much. I'll always be here for you."
"K-Kurro, thank y-you." He broke down crying again, but he was happy this time. I held onto him, making sure to never let him go.


IM LIVING FOR THE ENDING TO THIS CHAPTER ITS SO CUTE. Anyways.... I really appreciate you guys reading my book and voting on it. If you guys want to talk to me more you can follow me Instagram *COUGH* I know self promo ;)))) it's just @themomsugawara
Hope you guys have a nice day

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