chapter 2 the meeting

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Leo p.o.v.

  Master Splinter is in the dojo meditating, I'm in the main area, also meditating. An image comes to mind, a girl turtle, built like Raph but with black instead of red.
(See picture)

  She's Shredder. I bolt to the dojo, Splinter looking at a picture. It's of his family. But I notice that there's a fourth, a turtle and its holding To Shans hand.

  "Sinsai, I have a vision of a girl turtle, she was..." I began but he finished saying "Shredder, I had the very same one. Go, find her and bring her here." He says.

  I nod, leaving but I catch "oh Rafaela, you'll be home soon." I call the others, we head out, I lead them to the fight that's at TCRI.

Rafaela p.o.v.

  Shredder kicks me, I go flying, spinning in the air. Landing, my head smacks the steps. I slowly get up, Shredder coming. He swipes my legs, I land on my stomach.  He than places a foot on my back, he apply's force, my shell crakes than brakes. I scream in pain, which heighten's when he brakes my leg and arm on my right side.

  As I black out, I hear " Booyakasha" my head falls.

Raph p.o.v.

  I kick Shredder away from the girl, I stand in front of her as my brothers fight off Shredder. Gently,  I pick her up, jumping to the ledge, Leo and the others join me.

  We run to the lair, I follow donnie to the lab. Coming out, Leo is talking to Splinter. "How is she doing." He asks.

  "Other than her shell being crushed, right arm and leg broke, plus her left eye slashed, I'd say she's doing good. Not many go against  Shredder and live." Donnie said walking in.

  "Splinter, when we left, you muttered a name, Rafaela, who is that." Leo asked. Splinter looks to the lab, going to the doors. "That turtle is Rafaela, your older sister."

  We all stair at hem like his crazy but the look on his face, he's telling the truth. Than we here a groan, Rafaela moves her head, rubbing her eyes with her good hand.

Rafaela p.o.v.

  I open my eyes, looking at the room I'm in. As I look around, I hear my nickname, "Ella". Looking to the left, I see a rat mutant, behind hem, four turtles.

  "Do I know you, sir." I say. He walks over, touching my forehead "Not like this, my you've grown. If you were human, you'd  look like Ti Shan."

  I gasp, looking into his brown eyes. "Father." I say. He nods, I lean up, hugging Father. I look to the four " Are they the turtles you went to buy." I say.

  He nods as blue comes over. "I'm Leonardo or leo, the leader. That's Raphael or Raph, hot head. Donatello, don or Donnie, brains and Michelangelo, Mikey, the prankster." Leo says. I swing my legs around, putting both on the floor. Standing, my broken leg snaps as the bone mends.

My arm goes the same, the cast falls off. Than my shell fuses back together. Doing a few punches, I turn to father. "I've missed a lot. But, I'm home." I say.

Father pulls me to hem, tail wrapping around me. Head in his neck, I relish in his arms, in his presence, in just the fact that after sixteen years, I'm home.

I'm home and I'm not going anywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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