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I breathe, I breathe without stopping, is like I've been three days under the water without breathing. I can't remember what happened. I start to move but is impossible, my body it's immobilize.
- Don't move or it will be worst - says a masculine voice.
- Who are you? Where I am? - I ask.
- I'm Julian Zwielicht. Don't worry you're safe and sound - he answers me.
- You're Lilian's husband, don't you?
- Yes, I am - he answers with happiness.
- She talked me very good about you - I say smiling.
- Yes? Whatever she told you, she doesn't tell it to me, with me she's very shy - says Julian with a little smile.
- That's why she loves you - I sketch out a smile.
- So, you're the known Tessa - he says with curiosity.
- Known? - I ask denying with the head -. No, I think that you're talking about another person.
- Another person? - he asks laughing - Will doesn't stop talking about you, he's a nuisance. It's noticeable that he loves you - I make a shy smile and I start to blush -. Ow! I see! You love him too! - laughs Julian.
- His an attractive boy but nothing more - I answer lying.
- What you want to call it - says Julian raising an eyebrow and raising his hands as a defense.
- What happened? I can't remember.
- Well, a witch, Katja Kanerys, came here and...- he hestitates but then he continues talking -. Well, I think that it would be better if Katja tells you.
- Goodbye, I think,... funny chat - I say with a big smile.
- Funny chat and nice to meet you Tessa the known - bids farewell.
- Nice to meet you - I answer making a small reverence with my head.
He turns around, he opens the door and a woman of blue skin with scales and red hair comes in.
- Hello Miss Hunterangel, my name's Katja Kanerys - says the witch with a bored pitch.
- Please, call me Tessa.
- We don't have that privacity - she retorts without looking at me.
I decide to talk about other thing before I get angry. I don't have time to fight with someone.
- What happened? - I ask.
- I looked inside your mind - she answers.
- And? More information please - I say a little bit irritated.
- Calm, little stupid - she says boredom.
- Excuse me? - I make a move with my hands to concentrate me. I breathe and I continue talking -. Look, I don't have time for stupid things, so, please, explain me what happened.
- Black magic, someone came inside your mind and it penetrated inside your dreams, we can say that it didn't work alone, only a warlock dedicated to Kamerus (Black magic) would know how to control dreams. That person projected something such horrible, that you started to block your body and your heart started to stop beating, in extreme cases people try to commit suiside, like you, that's why now you have the lungs the heart and the stomach damaged. I don't know how you survived to that mortal fall, but, of course, you're the angel girl.
- The angel girl? - I ask raising an eyebrow.
- Come on! Don't act like you don't know! All the people knows that you're the daughter of Michael, the girl of the famous prophecy. People don't stop talking about you. They put you nicknames: the angel girl, the lost princess... Now you're famous honey.
- Ok! Ok! I don't care. Why that person did that?
- There isn't an exact answer.
- Ok, thanks- I say with a false smile. She walks toward the door and when she's about to go out of the room, I remember what happened - Wait! How is Will? I mean the boy.
- Oh, yes! That dashing boy? Don't worry he's fine, he fell to the water. He had some damages, but now he's fine - answers Katja.
- Thanks.
- You shouldn't move - she says before going out of the room. I hear her going away. When I'm sure that she's far away. I stand up and I open the door. The beautiful melody of a piano is filling up the house. I don't know why, but I know that the one is playing the piano is, Will. I look for him all around the house, and finally I see him playing the piano and I start to cry.
- Will... you're alive.

Hi guys! This is my new chapter. Maybe it is not the largest chapter in the world, but here it is. I hope you liked this new chapter.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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