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Milly's POV

"Okay," I said, "Girls' dorms are in the east wing, and boys' dorms in the west wings. What are your room numbers?"

"Oh, uhhh... I'm in room... 104. I think that's on the third floor..." Casper said.

"I'm in room 39, on the first floor!" Cara said, much more cheerfully.

"Okay guys, I'm in room 143. Mine is also on the third floor.  Here, we should write down each other's rooms in case we need anything," I told them, ripping a few pieces off a sheet of paper and writing the numbers down on each one of them.

"Cara, if you need anything, let me know." She nodded her head and left with her stuff. I turned to Casper. "Please try not to burn the school down, okay? I'll come by your dorm after I unpack."

He nodded and left. I stood alone for a minute before heading the opposite way as Casper.


"125... 135... 139..." I mumbled as I looked for my dorm room. "Ah hah, here we are, 143," I put my key in the lock and slowly opened the door.  It was an okay sized room. It was kind of small for two people, but I knew it would be like that. That's just how dorm rooms are.  The walls were a nice cream color, and there was an old-looking electric fireplace in the back.  There was a bed on each side of the room, each with a desk next to it.  The two sides mirrored each other, but one side was already full of stuff, and there was girl sitting on the bed. She looked up from her laptop as I walked in.

"Oh, hi. You must be my new roommate. My name is Rory," she told me, a reassuring smile on her face.

"I'm Milly,"

"Well it's very nice to meet you, Milly.  I'm so excited to have a roommate for the rest of the year.  The past quarter has been so lonely in the room. The empty bed over there just gets so depressing."

"Oh, um, yeah. Well, I guess I'll start unpacking. I'm gonna head down to my brother's room after. Wanna come with me?"

"Sure! Here, let me help you."

So we unpacked my things. With the two of us working together, it still took a good hour. We walked over to the west wing, passing lots of unfamiliar faces along the way. I knocked on his door.

"Uhh, hello?" the guy who opened the door asked.

"Hi, is Casper here?"

"Oh, yeah, come in."

I ran in and saw Casper. I jumped on his bed before he could even look up to see who it was.

"Hey, Milly," he chuckled.

"Who's your roommate?"

"Oh! My name's Zayn. Nice to meet you," He held out his hand. I Ignored it and gave him a bear hug instead.

"Nope, no handshakes.  I'll be around here a lot, get used to hugs." I smiled at him. He just laughed in response. "Casper, this is my roommate, Rory."

Casper's POV

We all talked for a few minutes, but Milly and Rory headed out pretty soon. I went back to my unpacking, because unlike Milly, I wasn't very good at things like that.  When I was all done, I heard my roommate, Zayn, speak up.

"So, do you wanna go meet a few people? I was just gonna go hang out, but you could come with, if you want, maybe meet some of my friends?"

"Yeah, sure, if that's alright and all." I told him. I never had trouble making friends, but I wanted to make sure he was good with me tagging along with his.

"Definitely, mate. They'll love you."

We went down to the football field, and I saw there were a few kids kicking a ball around.

"You lot! Come over here, this is my new roommate!"

They all came over to greet us. There were four of them in all, two of them holding hands.

"Hello. I'm called Liam. I hope Zayn here's been alright to you, mate." The first guy said.  He was big, with a lot of muscles.

" 'M Niall." He obviously wasn't from England. His accent seemed Irish.

The two that were holding hands introduced themselves as Harry and Louis.  Harry was the tallest of the group, and apparently, the youngest.  He had curly hair, and a friendly face.  Louis was on the shorter side. They both had a bunch of tattoos, and tanned skin.  They told me they had been together for about a year now, and honestly, they were the cutest couple I had ever seen.  I also learned that harry was 16, as well as Niall and Liam, who both had birthdays coming up in a few months.  Zayn and Louis were both 17, but Louis was going to turn 18 in a bit. Zayn had a girlfriend named Perrie. Liam broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago.

That evening, we all became pretty close.  Talking was natural and good-natured. Nothing seemed awkward. I really like these guys.

Eventually, it started to get pretty late, so we all decided to head back to the dorm.  Once we were back up, I discovered that Harry and Louis had a dorm to the left of us and Liam and Niall had a dorm to the right of us.

When we got back, I went right to bed.  I wanted to be well-rested for my first day of classes tomorrow.

Author's Note

So that's the second chapter. Song on the side.  Picture of Rory on the side. Hope you enjoyed it.  Ill try to get the next chapter up soon. Seeee yaaaaaa :)

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