First Week

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Milly's POV

Okay, it's my first day of school. Don't panic. Everything will be fine.

I got out my schedule:

8:00-8:57 1st Hour: Accelerated Physics |room 170|

9:02-9:59 2nd Hour: French IV |room 210|

10:04-11:01 3rd Hour: Honors English |room 204|

11:06-12:10 4th Hour- Advanced Psychology |room 236|

12:15-12:45 Lunch

12:50-1:49 5th Hour: Free period

1:54-2:51 6th Hour: Advanced Calculus |room 329|

2:56-3:53 7th Hour: Physical Education |room 187|

I shared my schedule with Rory, only to find that we only had one class together: PE. Ew.

I really hate gym classes. It's not that I'm terrible at sports or anything. It's just that I'm a klutz. And a ball magnet. And somehow manage to get hurt when we aren't even doing anything. Whoops.

Anyways, once I got over the fact that I was being forced to take a gym class this year, I headed down to the cafeteria. Apparently food from the cafeteria is free. Well, not free, but it's prepaid for as part of the tuition. We could eat as much as we wanted from the cafeteria, and they had a student pantry, where we could get food any time of the day, or we could take food to put in the fridge and pantry in each dorm room. I decided I liked these people, whoever decided that we should have access to unlimited food 24/7. I love food.

Today, for breakfast, they were serving pancakes. Yum. I got some blueberry pancakes with a blueberry sauce on top of it. I really like blueberries, if you couldn't tell. It was really delicious.

As soon as I finished my breakfast, I checked my watch.



I have no clue where my class is, and the bell rings in 2 minutes.

Just my luck.

I quickly put away my dishes and started down some hall, quickly realizing it was the wrong hall. I tried another hall. Still wasn't right. And another. It was a good ten minutes before I found my first class. I opened the door and all the heads turned to me.

"You're late."

"I know, I'm sorry. I got lost," I told the teacher in the front of the room.

"Alright, alright. Just try not to let it happen again. Class this is our new student. Se transferred here from Brighton. There's an open seat in the back."

I looked to the back and saw the spot was next to Zayn. His eyebrows were raised, but he had an easy smile on his face.

When I sat down, he took out a piece of paper and began writing. After a second, he passed it to me. It read:

hey. got lost?

I just nodded, so he took the piece of paper back and added:

or did you lose track of time snogging some bloke in a closet?

I slapped him. He laughed. He took the paper back again, and his time, added a little bit more seriously:

How did you even get into this class? Isn't it a bit above your level?

Me: Course not! I'm a GENIOUS!! :) lol jk idk I guess I'm just good at science.

Zayn: Let me see your schedule

I handed him My schedule. He read through it.

Zayn: dang, you are REALLY smart. We also have French and Maths together btw.

Me: aw fuck, im gonna have to put up with YOU 3 hours a day?! ew

He snorted loudly, causing a few heads to turn towards us. The class went by quickly, and he walked me to French, making sure I wasn't late this time, thank god.


I made it all the way to lunch just fine. My physics teacher is the only one who felt the need to introduce me to the entire class, so far, anyway. I got my lunch, and then headed out to the football field, where Zayn had told me to meet him. When I walked out there, they had a stereo, and were all listening to The Kooks. I smiled and began humming along as I approached the group. I sat down between Niall and Casper. Turns out Casper also has Maths with Zayn and me. So does Louis.

We all decided that on Friday night, we would go over to Casper and Zayn's room and have a bit of fun. Maybe we could play truth or dare, or we could watch a movie.


Friday came pretty quickly. We ordered pizza to the dorm, and ate until we were stuffed, and had a few drinks to go with it.

We started with a movie. We all decided on John Tucker Must Die. It was absolutely hilarious. We all had a good laugh while watching it. Once it was over, Zayn went to the fridge and brought back beers for everybody.

Once we were all a little drunk, we decided to play spin the bottle.

"Whoever it lands on, you must kiss them for at least 15 seconds."

"What if Casper and I land on each other?" I asked.

"Spin again."

"And if it lands on the same gender?" Niall asked.

"Then you still kiss them."

"Okay, I'll start," Liam said.

It landed on Perrie. Liam looked to Zayn, as if asking permission. Zayn rolled his eyes and nodded. Liam and Perrie kissed. It wasn't anything special. Each of them kept their lips sealed shut, barely even touching each other. The 15 seconds ended, and they broke away immediately.

I spun the bottle next. It landed on Harry. He looked socked. Louis laughed for an entire 5 minutes, not the least bit worried his boyfriend had to kiss a pretty girl. It was just about the most awkward kiss Louis had ever seen.

The night was amazing. I was so thankful that I was able to make such great friends here. Around one in the morning, I quietly stumbled back to my room with a smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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