captain fat belly

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Your boyfriend Joe has been disappearing at night a lot he will go to bed with you then but disappearing by morning the home but 10 in the morning but you don't know why it pisses you so much you decide to stay up all night to see if you can catch him in what ever they are doing

At 1 in the morning you were still awake but Joe was no where he was still in bed you were baffled you gave up and curled up when you heard the window open you fled from bed and Joe was gone you looked out the window to see nothing but your car missing and a piece of red fabric stuck on the window from .... A cape you decided to go looking when someone burst through the door and you can tell one thing ........
................ It ain't Joe

"Get down" you ain't taking your time with that one you plop yourself on the floor and let him raid the house "God help me were is Joe please save me " and with the magical powers of coincidence your heart a soothing voice "calm down I got dis" he says a man in green with a torn red cape

"Well ain't you a suprise"

"Shit it's captain fat belly " says the robber

"Santiago sent me" shouts captain fat belly

"Ummm Wha-?" Before you finish Your sentence you hear crashing then a loud pain filled scream as the robber speedy Gonzalez out o yo house

"Cheers Joe " you say

"Ye know it's me" he whimpers as if he'd lost his dignity

You kiss him softly and giggle

"I love you" you say "I love ye to"

"Dibs on not cleaning the mess You say"

"Ass hole" captain fat belly grumbles


Hoped you liked this I know its wierd but I'm tired and sick sorry if its shit and wierd

Impractical Joey And MurrayWhere stories live. Discover now