The Ball

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It was half past noon, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to find out Drew's answer to my invitation. Obviously, I'm hoping she accepts it. But why would she? I've been nothing but an ass to her. I guess I can only hope for the best.

In a few seconds, I was at her doorstep. See, vampires have an incredible speed. But as you age, it gets harder to use that speed. That's why most of the time, we ride in carriages. Whenever we took over the world, we closed down all factories. Therefore, they didn't make cars anymore. So we just use our speed or ride in carriages.

I used my super speed in this situation because I'm so eager to find out what her choice is. I had a bouquet of flowers in one hand as I knocked on the door with the other.

Lucky for me, Drew was the one to answer the door. Her eyes were wide with shock, until a look of epiphany came across her face. "P-Prince Zayn,

I didn't expect to see you so early." She stuttered nervously.

"You can just call me Zayn." I said awkwardly. "Can I speak to you outside?" I asked. Why am I so nervous? She can't refuse to speak to me outside. I'm the Prince! I could have her killed this instant. But I won't, of course.

"Of course..." She said biting her lip, "your majesty." She added quickly.

"You don't have to add that to every sentence." I chuckled. Humans are supposed to address the Royal Family with their royal title, your highness, or your majesty.

"Sorry, force of habit." She mumbled as she stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind her.

'This is awkward. I should've let mom get the door. Now I'm in this awkward situation. What do I say? Shouldn't he speak first? Why am I so nervous? I don't like him one bit. I guess it's just because he's the Prince and could burn me at the stake if he wanted.'

"So..." I trailed off, scratching the back of my neck. "Do you wanna come with me to" I asked, not really sure what to call it.

"I- uhm..." She trailed off. "I don't think I should." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I sighed.

"What the bloody hell did I do this time?" I exclaimed. She looked terrified.

'What the fuck am I supposed to do? I can't go with him to his vampire get together thing! I would be too awkward! I'm the only fucking human going, most likely! He's the only royal person I've been around my whole life! I don't know how to act or what to say! He can't expect things like this from somebody like me!'

"What the fuck did I do to make you hate me so much?" I growled angrily.

"P-Please calm down." She begged, taking a step away from me in fear. "You're s-scaring me." She blinked back tears.

'Is this what I'm stuck with for the rest of my life? Seriously? I had to get stuck marrying the vampire with uncontrollable anger or something like that. I'm the type of person that cries when they get yelled at. We're the best fucking match, I swear.'

Hearing her thoughts, I forced myself to calm down. I'm scaring her. This is foreign to her. She isn't used to this. I must control myself and my temper. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for scaring you." I apologized, something I don't do often. "I have a short temper and it's not easy for me to control. I didn't mean to yell at you like that."

"It's okay." She replied softly, staring at the ground. "I understand."

"I just get mad at myself." I sighed. "I don't like making you feel...scared or intimidated. I get angry with myself when I do that. It doesn't make the situation much better, now does it?"

"Do you really want me to go with you to the ball with you?" She asked, sweeping her long hair over one shoulder.

"Of course." I nodded.

She took a deep breath. She mouthed a few words before finally speaking aloud. "I-I'll go." She stuttered.

"Why?" I asked the first thing that came to mind. I don't want her going just because she's scared of me. This is an option for her. I'm not trying to intimidate her, so that she agrees.

"I don't know." She mumbled. "You seem sincere, I guess."

'What else was I supposed to say? It was just a spur of the moment agreement. He honestly did seem really sincere when he apologized. I knew it broke his heart when I declined. Wait, he's a vampire. He doesn't have a heart. Does he? He doesn't act like it, most of the time. He's scary. That's not the reason I agreed, though. He wouldn't be able to scare me that much.'

I have a heart, thank you very much. It's quite large, might I add. I saved her from being killed. I'm being nicer to her than I've been to anybody in my whole life. I'm trying for her. Mostly for everybody else, I just let my anger take over. Not for Drew. I would try to be the absolute best person I could for her.

"I have to help my mom with some things. You should probably be on your way too." She said nervously. I could tell she felt uncomfortable and wanted to get away from me as soon as possible.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at five tomorrow, since it starts at six." I told her. We said awkward goodbyes before I walked down the porch steps and she went back inside.



I felt incredibly awkward. Everybody around me was a vampire. Some people stared at me curiously. They were probably wondering why The Prince would be with such a commoner like me. Some girls childishly glared at me. I tried to keep my eyes averted straight in front of me, so I wouldn't notice them so much.

All the other couples looked happy. They were all laughing and dancing. Zayn would occasionally try to spark up a conversation with me, but I would quickly kill it. I regretted coming. I never knew that it would be this awkward. I was intimidated by all the vampires around me at first, but now I'm used to it. The only thing really bothering me is Zayn's arm around my waist.

I saw a guy with curly hair wave at us. "That's Harry." Zayn told me. I noticed a blonde haired boy next to him. "And that's Niall."

"Hey, mate." Harry said to him. They all did that handshake/hug thing that every guy in the whole world knows. "You must be Miss Drew that he never shuts up about." Harry greeted me with a smile. "I'm Harry. It's nice to finally meet you."

"I'm Drew." I said dumbly. Of course he knows my name, he just said it. I politely smiled, hoping he didn't notice my stupidity.

"I'm Niall." The blonde said to me. He had an Irish accent, which was adorable. He smiled at me and I could tell I already liked both of them.

"Drew." I told him my name, not really sure what to say back. I'm socially awkward, incase you haven't noticed.

"Have you seen Liam or Louis yet?" Niall asked Zayn.

"Not yet. Are they here?" He inquired.

"They said they were coming." Harry shrugged. "They're usually late for everything, though." He rolled his eyes.

"So are you." Zayn chuckled. His laugh was cute.

Okay, where the hell did that come from?

Lets just ignore the fact that I ever had that thought and move on.

And lets hope he wasn't reading my damn mind when I thought that.

Is he always reading my mind? Does he hear every one of my thoughts? Or does he just tune in when he feels like it? Maybe he, like, gets notified when I think about him and he automatically starts listening to my thoughts.

Before I knew it, Harry and Niall had grabbed two girls and were making their way to the center of the room. A slow song was playing, which was odd because they didn't play music before. They started slow dancing. I felt extremely awkward because people kept staring at Zayn and I.

"Do you... Uhm... Do you want to dance?" He asked nervously.

"Uh... Sure." I agreed, knowing everybody would hear if I declined his offer.

The Prince [Zayn Malik]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن