Chapter 7

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     John insisted they stop off and buy something to bring to Carter's flat. They couldn't show up empty-handed. Sherlock wanted to buy an expensive bottle of wine, nearly 50 quid, but John suggested beer would better suit the evening. Besides, he laughed, if Sherlock started off bringing over the good stuff on the first night, Carter might become accustomed to lavish gifts. Sherlock had to learn to pace himself if he wanted to play the dating game. They also brought pretzels and chips along with them as well.

Sherlock wasn't sure how much he should trust John's advice as he'd hadn't kept a girlfriend longer than a few months since they'd lived together, but he had to admit, John knew far more than he did.

He was less nervous than last time he'd gone out now that John along with him. Carter and his mates lived in a pleasant brownstone with large windows located in a decent, residential area. It was a three-story building and their flat perched on the top.

Sherlock paused a moment before waking up to the door and looked up. He saw the attic room had a flickering light burning. Carter might up there right now. He thought about it would be like to be up there with him and what they might do. He felt that same stirring of lust he'd had on the first day he'd met him. He wanted to touch and be touched. Carter had suggested that and more.

"You ready for this?" John asked him. "You must really like him."

"John," Sherlock said. "I don't know what I feel for him, yet. I like how he wants me. I want him too. I've been feeling different lately. I've wanted to be with another person. Every time I see you go out on a date or you bring a girl home, I want it too. To be with someone."

"Why haven't you ever said before now?" John asked.

"I don't know. It's only recently that I felt something missing. The work fulfills me. I don't even notice other people when I'm working, but sometimes I lie in bed on the nights I do sleep, and find myself lonely."

"That's a good thing, Sherlock," John said stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans and looking at the cracks on the sidewalk. "Not the loneliness thing, but wanting someone in your life. That's a good thing."

The only other person I've ever liked before now was you. I mean..John," he stopped suddenly realizing how he must sound. And we...don't," he couldn't finish his sentence.

"I know, Sherlock," John said softly. "We don't do we? Even though everyone assumes we do."

Sherlock suddenly wanted to go home. Being here was far too much to bear and home was comfortable, and home was John in his chair reading the paper. Why did he want more than he already had with John?

Because, it wasn't enough anymore. Carter offered more.

He squared his shoulders and decided to press on. John was here with him. He'd do fine.

They rang the buzzer, and a male voice asked, "Yes?" followed by a female giggle.

"Sherlock and John," Sherlock said feeling antsy already. Obviously, there were going to be more people present than advertised. The security door popped opened, and they climbed two flights of stairs to the third-floor.

Before they could knock, the door to the flat opened up, and the pair were greeted by Carter's roommate David and his girlfriend Trisha. They were both in their early twenties and very pleased to meet Sherlock. Electronic pop music played subtly in the background.

"Come in, both of you," David said waving them in. He, like Carter, looked very fit under a modest button-up and khaki trousers,his shapely feet bare. "Carter's upstairs. He'll be down in a bit."

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