Sting x Reader (SchoolAU!)

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  3rd POV

(Y/N) wasn't very popular in school.

She was very distant from everyone. She thought there was no need to socialize with other people. School was her first priority in her mind.  But that all changed when she meet him.

 Sting Eucliffe.

 At first she thought he was the typical popular boy at school. The way he dressed the he acted, even the way he talked, he had 'Popularity' written all over him.  

(Y/N) wanted nothing to do with him. But then it all changed.

(Y/N) POV~~

'Crap! I'm going to be late!' I ran down the hall trying to get to my next class in time. I was turning the corner at the end of the hall. I didn't bother to look to see if anyone was there. I was in a rush. That's when I bumped in to someone.....hard.

My books flew everywhere. I sat up rubbing my butt. Then that's when I heard  a boys voice. 

???: "HEY LOOK WHER--".

2nd POV~~

You look up to have your eyes meet with the most beautiful blue eyes. That's when you notice you just bumped into Sting Eucliffe. You could see his fangirls down the hall glaring daggers at you. He jolts up and offers out a hand.

Sting: "Ah (Y/N)-chan, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going"

He gives you a closed eyed smile. You blushed. Seeing his smile sent your heart aflutter. You were scared because you never felt this feeling before. 

(Y/N): 'What is this feeling? Is this what they call love? I mean I've read about it in many FanFictions, but i never thought it was true.' You thought. 'And how does he even know my name?'

Sting: "Are you alright (Y/N)-chan? Do you need to go to the nurse?"

You realized you have been staring at him. With a flustered face you accept his hand and stand up. 

(Y/N): "No sorry it was my fault for running in the halls." You say with a flustered expression.

Sting: 'Awe, she so cute when she's flustered. Wait! What am I saying!' 

Sting: "Well you should probably get going."

(Y/N): 'What! Does he not want to be near me!' "What?" you say calmly with a sad face.

Sting: "Don't take it the wrong way (Y/N)-chan, I just don't think you want to be late for class."

That's when you heard the bell ring signaling classes were starting.

(Y/N): "I have to go!" You yell " Sorry again!"

Sting: " No problem!" He yells smiling again.


IM SO SORRY GUYS ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I HAVE UPDATED! I FEEL SO BAD UGGGGGHHHH! I hope you all can forgive me for not updating. I just moved into a new house and school has started *sighs*. I have also be having trouble posting. Sorry again. I've been playing a lot of Overwatch on my PC, which has been taking up a lot of my time XD. I hope i can start posting more...............eventually.  That's all I have for now hope you guys enjoy and have a wonderful day XD

By the way I may do a part 2 of this let me now what you think!

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