Author's Note

468 11 9

Okay I've got a few things to say...

First~~ (Views)

THANK YOU GUYS SOOOO MUCH!!!!! This one-shot book has gotten to 1k views!!! You guys have no idea how thankful I am for this. I would really like to thank the people that actually put up with my bad writing. And again Thank you guys so much...

Second~~ (Not enough Updates)

I think I really need to address the lack of chapters I have been updating.... I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating I've been really busy with lots of stuff in my life. (You can skip the next stuff if you want it's just me giving you guys an explanation to why I have been not updating.)

I have recently joined my high school's marching band... and we have practices constantly over the weeks and when I don't have practice I either have football games or comps I've got to go to for marching band reasons. Don't get me wrong marching band is amazing and when you guys get the chance you should totally give it a try. It's just stressful (for me at least it may not be for others). And when I usually have a little free  time I'm either doing homework or trying to play some Overwatch. Again I'm really sorry.

Third~~ (Other Fandoms)

I've been sucked into a new fandom... If you haven't noticed already by my profile picture I've joined the...*drum roll* MYSTIC MESSANGER FANDOM!!! It's a great fandom and game. But the game takes up so much time!!! (You'll get it if you've played it) I will hopefully finish the game soon and update....


I think that is all that is left to say on my side. Feel free to talk to me about anything.(I may or may not respond seeing how I'm almost never online) Again a really big thank you to all of you lovely people out there who bothered to read my book.

And a big sorry to you guys for not updating, I'm really trying

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And a big sorry to you guys for not updating, I'm really trying....Have a good day guys...


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