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/// (A/N):I AM CRAPPY AND UNORGANIZED SO PLEASE EXCUSE THE SPACING BECAUSE I HAVE NO IDEA OF HOW TO WORK THIS. I swear to God, I made it look pretty on word but on here... Uh.... But anyways! Please, enjoy if you will. Thank you very much!///

My mother's soothing voice woke me up, "Aoi, get up. We're finally here!" She squealed and I grinned at her.

"I'm up"

She grinned and stepped back to stretch as I unbuckled my belt.

"A new place, new air, new pack, and a new life!" I smiled at her as she twirled around.

"Stop before you-MOM!" I reached out to her but before I could reach and she could face the impact of her fall, my father had her in his arms.

"My love, I know you love me, but stop falling." I snorted and my mom rolled her eyes, pushing his face the opposite direction.

"Shut up."

I laughed and crossed my arms. He nodded at me and smiled, making my heart clenched a little. The overwhelming emotions fill me up and guilt takes me again. I nod back and he placed my mother down, telling us about how excited he was to meet his old friend and so on. I close the car door and look around. Taking in the smell of dirt and the forest trees.

"A new life... Let's hope I don't fuck this up to... hah, who am I kidding. I always do." I bit my lips as I felt my throat close up and clenched my fists.

A small hand touched mine and raised it to her lips.

"Baby boy, you're safe now. It'll be fine, being you isn't wrong. It's ok, you are still my baby. This place will accept you like your dad and I." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You don't know that mama, you can't control people." She pouted and bopped my nose.

"I actually can." She states baring her fangs that she's proud of and her eyes turning red. I laugh and she grins.

"There, just keep smiling, little by little, your happiness will come." I smiled and followed her as she complained about dad rambling more than her as she led me to our new house.

Dad gave us a whole house tour and didn't hide the fact that this used to be his grandmother's house. I looked around and was touched by the fact that my father had beautiful memories in this house. But, us returning on such reasons broke me back up.


My mom deemed that we were starving and needed food. So we drove by to the closest grocery store and let her pick out whatever she wanted. My dad teased her here and there but apologized with kisses and pecks. This sight always warms my heart up. I used to dream of having this, but now, I'm not sure if I still deserve to get this at all.


My father called to me, I blinked up and realize I was far behind. I caught up and my mother already left the aisle, not a surprise. My dad patted my shoulder and hummed.

"You know, this is a good town. We're in good hands." I nodded, knowing this was him trying to assure me.

"Mom said so too."

He chuckles, "Yes, and what she says is always right." We laughed and a comfortable silence slid through as we walked.

"Aoi, no matter what, you are my son. I love you very much and I can't lose you, son." I swallowed my guilt and nodded.

"I love you too dad." He grabbed me in a hug and I hugged back.'

After a second I felt a small hand smack my arm and hug me back. "You two are crazy! You left me all alone to do this?! You're both getting stares." I laughed and my dad and I kissed her cheeks.

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