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After so many revelations there was a sort of eerie silence between the two friends amidst the chaos of preparations. RD was as usual spending his day at the office.

The girls found it hard to talk after their morning discussion.

Tia was in a state of shock after Aashi's list of confessions.


RD: This is my wife Aashi.

He said introducing his wife to a tall, big, burly man with curly hair, grey eyes. He stood at the same height as that of Rishi.

RD: This is Mr. Jai Rathore. He's also into hospitality industry and I have been working on the interiors of his new league of hotels.

Aashi: Pleasure to meet you Mr. Rathore.

She said shaking hands with him as he pulled out his hand in sheer formality.

RD: Even she is an interior designer Mr.Rathore.

Jai: I see. I would really like you to get all the designs approved from her then.

RD: Oh sure.

As the trio laughed, Tia came to join the discussion.

RD: She's our college friend Mr. Rathore, Tia. And Tia this is our business partner and my boss when it comes to interiors.

Jai: That's not true. Nobody is a boss here. (Grins). Anyways nice to meet you Miss Tia.

Tia: Same here.

RD was busy with his colleagues as the ladies moved aside.

Tia bumped into the waiter which resulted in spilling of the drinks on her saree.

"Oops!!! I will be back Aashi"

Tia moved to her room.

She went to the washroom cleaning the stain.

But the stain had spread too far and was visible even on the dark color.

Tia thought of changing her saree.

She got a different cloth from her bag and went to change.

After a few minutes she felt someone had bolted the door of the washroom.

She ignored the thought as her illusion. There already was a loud noise of the songs outside. It must have been RD's idea. He loved to dance whichever party it might be. Tia was pretty sure that he would make the disinterested and solemn Mr. Rathore shake his leg on one or two tunes.

Tia came out to her room as she was ready.

"Jewellery, tch"

Things always had to complicate.

Tia called Aashi ad asked her to bring her diamond jewellery which would definitely suit her attire.

Aashi came to the room with the boxes.

"What's this?" Aashi asked as the door was jammed on some metal piece.

"I don't know. Wait it won't open till you get that out", Tia said pointing at the metal piece.

In no time Tia pulled it out finding it to be a bracelet.

It definitely wasn't a ladies' wear.

" It's a gents bracelet", Aashi said putting the jewellery box on the bed.

"But whose it is?", Tia was confused.

" I don't think Rishi must be wearing such stuff. He doesn't. Right?"

"He hates such things. He only prefers a watch and not a bracelet."

The ladies had almost lost their thinking ability to the riddle in front.

"Plus it seems to be too expensive to belong to any servant" , Tia rolled her eyes playing with the new found ornament.

"It was found near the door. Was it there when you came to the room?", Aashi asked.

"No. It wasn't there. If it had been there I would have got it prior", Tia replied.

" This means someone must have come inside when you were in the washroom."

"Quite possible. In fact I felt that someone had bolted the door of the washroom when I was in. But again there was loud music and I thought I was dreaming or something."

"But why would anybody lock you inside?"

"How would I know that?"

Their talk was interrupted by a servant.

"Ma'am please come down. Its urgent.", was all that he said. The lines of tension quite visible on his forehead.

The ladies could not think anything before they sprinted downstairs.

The scene in the hall was even more shocking.

" You are under arrest"

A cop said as he pulled out the handcuffs in front of Rishi.

Tia and Aashi were shocked.

Rishi was dumbfounded.

"What happened? How can you do this? What has he done?", Aashi was restless.

"You better ask your husband" the cop replied curtly.

"What have you done Rishi? What's the matter?", Aashi said turning to the figure who now stood like a pillar.

"How the hell can you take him without an arrest warrant?", Tia was furious.

" Here's the warrant ma'am. I hope you don't have any questions now ", the cop showed her the papers.

" But what has he done?", the ladies screamed.

"He has kidnapped Ryan Diwan and kept him in seclusion for the past 5 years"

"What the hell is this? Rishi cannot do such a thing at any cost", Aashi was in tears.

"Then why is your husband quiet?", a voice came from the door.

All looked at the door to find a lady standing there.

Aashi was shocked beyond words.

It was Ananya Diwan.

" Who are you?", Tia almost pounced on the lady.

"I am Ananya Diwan, wife of Ryan Diwan"

This revelation was even more shocking.

Aashi and Tia knew the reason of Rishi's silence.

He did hate Ryan. He was angry with him. But Rishi could never think of anything as severe as this.

Abduction of a friend was itself a big allegation on him.

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