An unexpected visitor

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“What’s that? Who the f**k is ringing my doorbell at this hour in the middle of the night?

Hmm, it’s not that dark...what time is it? 6.30? Dawn already? Oh, wow...I’ve really slept, didn’t I? And I must stop talking to myself.”

“WAIT !!” he calls at the insistent ringing as he hurriedly puts on a black T-shirt, black jeans and, out of habit, his sun-glasses. It’s no use, the ringing continues, as he stumbles towards the door, flings it open so violently he loses his balance and fall right into the arms of his early morning-visitor.

“Hey, take it easy, are you really that happy to see me?” somebody says with a voice full of laughter, as he catches him.

“Seike???? What are you doing here?” he cries, surprised. “You’re in Stockholm!”

Seike chuckles. “Apparently I’m not.”

“But how…” Yohio says when he suddenly realizes that he’s still in Seike’s arms. With blushing cheeks he takes a step back. Seike releases him, as it seems, reluctantly. “How did you get here this fast?”

“Yeah, well…”Seike looks slightly embarrassed. “ I borrowed a car, but it’s been a few hours, actually.” He makes a gesture at the staircase. “Are you going to let me in, or do you really think that we shall talk out here?”

Yohio doesn’t answer, he just stands there, still finding it hard to believe his eyes.

“Do you want me to leave?” Seike asks insecurely. When he still doesn’t get an answer, he takes a step back. “OK, I understand, I shouldn’t have intruded like that. I’ll go, forget that I was here. I’m sorry.” His voice almost breaks, when he turns to leave.

His movements wakes Yohio from his frozen state.

“No, dammit,” he yells, not caring if he wakes his neighbours. They’re probably awake already anyway, considering Seike’s persistent ringing. “You must stay!” he grabs Seike’s arm and practically drags him through the door to his apartment and slams the door shut.

“Sorry,I was a bit confused, to say the least,” Yohio says and run his hand through his unruly hair. Hell, he must look awful…

“I apparently woke you up,” Seike says as he follows Yohio and sits down beside him in the sofa.

“What do you think? I’m not an early riser, remember?”

“Well, that was sort of my intention, so I’m not going to apologize.”

Yohio looks at him thoughtfully. He still find the situation totally unreal, and not a little bit awkward.

“Do you want something to drink?” he asks, in an attempt to be, at least, a little bit polite. At the same time he also, despite his sunglasses, he finds it hard to meet Seikes scrutinizing gaze..Those eyes that have always seem to see right through him.

Seike shakes his head.

“No,thanks. I just want to do this.”

He leans forward, removes the sunglasses,puts them on the table and gently puts lips against Yohio’s.

At first Yohio stiffens,caught by surprise as he is, then he softens and returns the kiss as he wraps his arms around Seike’s neck. He opens his mouth,and deepens the kiss, making their tongues meet. Their breaths quickens, but they don’t stop kissing until the need for air forces them to.

Breathless, with swollen lips,they rest their foreheads against each other.

“This…” Yohio’s whispers. “This is how it should be.I love you.”

The smile on Seike’s face makes the bright light of the rising morning-sun spreading in the room, almost pale in comparison.

“I love you, too. I always have.”

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