Chapter 1

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«Chapter 1»
400 years ago

Flying high in the sky a enormous red Dragon looked down upon his kingdom. The Dragon King was for the second time on his life happy and anxious his wife the Dragon Queen was pregnant and was expecting to give birth.

The Dragon was a western Dragon with battle scars on his belly, his head was in a triangular figure with a scar on his left eye, which he got because of his wife for annoying her.

While the red Dragon was excited he truly didn't want another crazy child, and if his upcoming child was anything like his first.........he would probably die.

"*Grrrraaaawwww* GOD DAMMIT IGNEEL I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" And this was the reason why he was flying high above his kingdom, his wife was certainly going to kill him.

"*phew* She's finally calmed down." Igneel said after he waited a few minutes for his wife to calm down.

Descending down to his his cave within the mountain Igneel saw his wife. The Dragon Queen had shinny black scales with blue tribal markings around her body. The Queen also had black elongated oval shaped plated that stuck out of her head.

(A/N: You guys already know who it is....probably)

The Black had her wings around a small red Dragon that was the exact replica of Igneel but had the Dragon Queen's wing shape and tail the small Dragon also had black tribal markings all round his body.

"Shhh be quiet you'll wake him up." The Black Dragon hissed at her husband who landed rather harshly.

"Ok." Walking as slowly as he could, Igneel silently made his way over to his wife.

"So what should we name him?" The great Dragon asked.

"Natsu." Was the answer he got from his wife.


(A/N: Trying out a new thing, it'll mean shock and embarrassment and maybe other things)

Igneel looked at his wife in absolute shock. She was naming their son a girly name and he was never going to accept it never in a million years.

Noticing her husband's expression she dared him to refuse the name she gave her son. Gulping down his pride Igneel gave her a forced smile, "that's a wonderful name dear."

"Acnologia dear If I may ask. Why did you pick that name?" Igneel questioned his wife.

"You got to pick Zeref's name so I get to pick Natsu's name." Acnologia simply replied. "And look what happened to him."

"But dear it was your training that created his obsession with making demons that threaten humans. I might add."

"......" Acnologia turned her head to the side feeling embarrassed.

"*hmph* A least he's getting rid of the insects that pollute our world." Acnologia said showing her distaste of the  human race.

While Igneel loves his wife he absolutely cannot agree with her on somethings like her specifically her hatred towards humans, sure they can get annoying and sometimes he may feel like killing them.....wait scratch that he sometimes feels like obliterating them but humans are important whether she likes it or not.

Igneel sighed and knew his wife would never stop hating humans, they were mearly(?) cockroaches that she loved stepping on.

Outside the cave the royal Dragons heard a wing beats of another Dragon. In front of the two landed a black Dragon that looked like an exact replica of Igneel.

"Zeref your back from......." Igneel had absolutely no idea what his crazy son had been doing for the past year, but it's not like he truly cares Zeref was a grown Dragon and could handle himself perfectly.

"Experiments Father, Hello Mother." Zeref greeted and replied to his parents.

"*Sigh* What did you do this time?" Acnologia asked her son and knowing him she probably won't like what he has or had planned.

"You'll be surprised." Zeref chuckled his eyes having a slightly insane glint in them.

"I've finally created a magic that could allow us to transform into humans while we still have our Dragon powers." The Black Dragon said.



Acnologia and Igneel looked at their mildly insane son with unreadable expressions. "That's impossible...." Igneel couldn't believe his son.

"I'll show you." Zeref was then enveloped in white smoke.

"*Whoosh*" Acnologia blew the smoke away.

Standing in front of the two Dragons when Acnologia blew the smoke was a boy that looked to be in his teens with black hair, and a pair of black robes. "Does this prove it." The boy said, his voice was annoyingly high like he was a girl.

"Why...." Acnologia muttered looking at her son.

"'Why' what?" Zeref asked his mother in confusion.

"Why did you created something like this?!" Acnologia asked with a slightly harsh tone.

"Oh that's what your worried about.....I just we could blend in with the humans." Zeref said with a shrug.

Normally Acnologia wouldn't have been angry at her son but the fact that he was in a human form and did it enraged her to no ends, she felt like blasting Zeref to little pieces then burning those pieces left of him.

"What's that." Zeref said almost immediately pointing at a red Dragon under his mother's wings.

"*sigh* I never wanted this to happen." Igneel muttered while looking at his wife who was trying to calm their newborn son down, while Zeref kept on looking at the Dragon in a rather unsettling the little Dragon was going to be his new experimental toy.

"Zeref this is your brother......Natsu."

Yo what up guys before I start my thank you for reading bullshit, I want to ask you guys do you want a 400 year ago arc or would you just prefer it if I skipped everything and went started to the Grand Magic Games...plz actually reply to this it will determine the route I plan on taking.

And that's about it I hope you liked it and yeah......thx for reading.

Now vote and reply before Acnologia blows you up.😈😈

Next Update: Dark Dragon or Etherious Vengeance


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