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A/N: This is the epilogue for First Class! It's very short and it just cuts to the end lol. I think that before I do the DOFP arc, I'm gonna do like a series of little one shots and drabbles. It'll give information about what happened in the 60s, possibly into the 70s. You'll learn more about Maureen's family, etc. Hopefully you'll like this, and this cheesy epilogue. lol.

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Six hours later

Maureen was sitting in the waiting room, staring into nothing.

It's been hours since the incident in Cuba. The team was eventually able to transport Xavier to the hospital. It's actually rather strange as to how Charles and the rest were brought to the hospital.


It was odd, yes, but the red mutant had appeared back on the beach five minutes after taking Erik and the others away. He offered no details as to why he came back, but he said he would take the group where they needed to go. At first, the others were suspicious but Maureen had read him and could feel that his intentions were good. The teenager vouched for Azazel and MacTaggert had told him where to go. Maureen and Moira were at each side of Azazel, holding one of his hands. Alex and Sean were at either side and Hank held onto one of them, while one of his arms held Charles. With a poof they were at the entrance of the hospital, and then Azazel left without goodbye.

And that's where they were all at now. Charles was in one of the rooms, Alex and Sean were down in the cafeteria. Maureen suspected that MacTaggert was with Charles while she and Hank sat in the waiting room, ignoring the incredulous stares that people gave them.

Maureen hadn't really spoke since the doctor supervising Charles had came out to the group of mutants to inform them that Charles would be paralyzed from his waist down for the rest of his life. Maureen's had sunk at the news.

"What are we going to do?" Maureen found herself saying. Hank had perked up, looking at her.

"I'm sorry?"

"I know you heard me, Hank," Maureen couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I said, 'What are we going to do'? Charles, he..." she gulped. "He can never walk again. They left us. What do we do?"

It was silent between the two before Hank responded, "We move on."

* * *

And that's exactly what they did. They all moved on.

It was late November Charles was discharged. While he was in the hospital and MacTaggert kept him company, Maureen and the boys were at work with the mansion. Charles always said that he wanted to turn the mansion into a school for mutant children. He had said while they learn how to control their abilities, they would also be able to continue their studies. Not only that, but the mansion would also be a safe haven for them. Maureen couldn't help but tear up at the thought. As her mother once said, Charles Xavier was probably one of the most kindest people she had ever met.

Speaking of Amelia Shepherd...

Maureen had called her mother, needing help. Maureen decided that Charles needed a "welcome home" slash Thanksgiving type of celebration, and who was the best cook in the whole world? Amelia Shepherd! Maureen always loved her mother's cooking, and she knew that her mother was missing her eldest daughter, so she had invited her to come to the mansion. This was the first time the boys met Maureen's mother and brother, seeing as Tommy had tagged along as well.

The Shepherd family was busy tidying up the mansion and helping the boys renovating the mansion to help it make it more accessible for Charles. When Charles and MacTaggert finally returned to the mansion, it was needless to say that they were both shocked.

"Welcome home, Professor Xavier," Amelia Shepherd was the first to speak. For the first time in his life, as he read each of their thoughts, seeing what they had done, Charles Xavier was speechless he had no idea on what he could say.

"You-You all did this for me?" Charles looked as if he was in near tears. His very first students all gave him expressions of joy and gratitude.

"We owe you everything, man," Sean said. "And we want to help you in every possible way."

"So we started by making it easier to move around in the mansion for you," Alex added.

"And I went out to find lawyers, people we can get to have the academy up and running..." Hank informed.

"I called in my mother, here, and this squirt too I guess," Maureen ruffled her younger brother's hair, who groaned out "Maureen!" in response, "to help get this place a little tidied up...and for some great cooking."

"I will admit, it smells absolutely delicious," Charles gave a smile. "I have to thank you all, you have done absolutely so much in the past few months...I don't know how I can ever thank you all."

"Then don't."

Once Charles calmed down, everyone gathered around at the dining room table and dug into the meal Amelia, as well as Maureen and Tommy, had made. And it was delicious.

* * *

"In this week of Thanksgiving, there is much for which we can be grateful as we look back to where we stood only four weeks ago. The unity of the hemisphere, the support of our allies, and the calm determination of the American people. These qualities may be tested many more times in this decade."

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