chapter five

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Author's note:'s been what, three weeks maybe? I'm terribly sorry about that long wait! My life just got super busy (probably because I start school in about a week) and my computer has been acting up lately as well. (I need to get it fixed.) I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter because I did a lot of copy and paste, deleting, adding in more and other stuff so I'm not sure if it turned out well. I was going to split this in half, but I feel bad about accidentally putting this off, so I'll give it to you now. I figured that you guys should read something before I go back to school. I don't know when the next update will be, seeing as I need to fit this in my school schedule.

There are some references about Charles's past and there are descriptions about some mutants that are not quite in the series yet! And if anyone was wondering, I remade my Tumblr. It's munroe-baratheon, if you want to follow me on there. I also added my characters on my profile and if you click on their name, you can see their face claims if you have trouble picturing what they look like. I hope you like this chapter.


The Xavier mansion was huge.

Raven had dragged Maureen everywhere in the house. She showed her every level of the home, Maureen was almost positive about it. Maureen had never been to a mansion before, and she didn't really live in a large house before hand. She had lived in a small apartment complex with her family, but it was big enough for the three of them.

Maureen was sure that Charles could fit in an entire school in his home if he wished.

Later, after Charles had sat everyone down for some ground rules (don't go into my father's study, wash your hands before you eat (he was mainly looking at the younger boys when he said this), try not to destroy the house), he let them go and he and Raven helped their guests to their rooms. Raven and Maureen's rooms where across from each others and the boys were farther down the hallway from them. Charles and Erik in a different corridor away from the young mutants. Maureen thought that was smart of them to do.

Sean and Alex had helped Maureen with her things (her mother had sent her more items once she found out that her daughter was staying in Manchester.) up to her room, sometimes dropping things in progress. Maureen didn't get angry with them; she just had an amused smile plastered on her face.

"Your stuff is too heavy!" Sean complained. "What do you have in here?"

Maureen didn't answer, but only opened her door so the boys could just waltz in and drop her stuff on her bed. She grinned at them cheekily. They mumbled to themselves and left her alone afterwards so they could all settle in.

As Maureen put some clothes in a drawer and placed a book she was reading for school on her bedside table, she wondered how life would be different here. She wouldn't have to go to school for awhile at least, she'd have to train to strengthen her abilities. She had friends, so that was a bonus.

When Maureen was finished, she let out a heavy sigh and laid down in her bed, on top of the sheets. After a couple of stressful days, Maureen found herself having a moment to relax. It felt good.

Then she heard a knock on her door.

"It's open," Maureen yawned, not realizing how tired she was until then.

Raven came bouncing in. "I'm just checking to see how you're doing," she said. "You doing okay?"

"I'm great, thank you," Maureen replied, sitting up. "I'm really tired, though."

"You look tired, there are circles under your eyes," Raven observed. "Charles wants us to come downstairs. It's dinnertime."

"Already?" Maureen asked, glancing at the clock. The time was almost 5:30 PM. "I guess it is. Could you take me downstairs? I don't know where anything is."

written in the starsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang