Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley Fanfiction)

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Hey! Thank you for taking the time to check out this story! It means an awful lot to me. <3

If you love 5 Seconds of Summer, please be sure to check out my story, "Thank you, Sir. (An Ashton Irwin Fan Fiction)"

And my Luke Hemmings fan fiction, "Wait, Is It Recording? (A Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction)"

Thanks! Enjoy!

A loud sound broke me off from my slumber as I fell off the couch in the living room. Memories from the night before formed in my mind. I was watching TV all night and fell asleep on the couch in the living room.

I groaned when I realized what the sound that woke me up was, the X Factor commercial. I had never really liked that show, the contestants with real talent were forgotten while the other contestants were turned into worldwide famous singers.

I pulled out my phone and looked at the time, I held my breath hoping I didn't sleep in. I let out a sigh of relief when I read the time, 7:30 am. I couldn't be late for my new job. Being 18 years old and just starting university and moving in alone in Bristol, England. I needed some extra money, so I got a job in a little coffee shop.

I ran up the stairs in the house I lived in alone and into my room. First thing I did was take a shower, I then took my shoulder length wavy brown hair in my hands and out it in a messy side bun at the top of my head, my usual hairstyle.

I put on my light wash skinny jeans with my loose fitting maroon t-shirt. I laced up my black converse and looked in the mirror. My dark brown eyes that looked almost black stared back at me. I was very tall, about 168 centimeters. I wasn't very thin, nor was I very fat.

I rushed down the stairs and ate some cereal. After I had finished, I put on my navy zip up hoodie, put my phone in my pocket and exited my house. Since the coffee shop was quite near, I decided to walk. The cold Bristol air made me shiver, but it I was used to it since I was British and had lived here all my life.

I looked at the cozy looking coffee shop 'Sugar Cakes' as I neared it. I found myself take off in a run for I had longed for the warmth. The smell of coffee beans engulfed me as I opened the door which caused a bell to ring.

The place seemed lifeless, mostly because business starts in half an hour. As an answer to the bell that had rung in my entrance, a boy emerged from the back room.

"Hello, you must be the new employee?" Asked the boy who was smiling cheerfully.

"Yes, I'm Rose." I said as I put my hand out, sending him an equally cheerful smile.

"I'm George and welcome to Sugar Cakes!" He said, shaking my hand while giggling, not laughing. Which caused me to giggle as well. His hand was big and warm in comparison to my middle sized cold one.

"Thanks George. Where do I start?" I ask as I look around the empty coffee shop then back at the brown eyes that were looking at me intently with a smile.

"Let me show you the back room where the lockers are." He says as he points to the door her emerged from a few minutes ago.

I walk behind him as I take in how he looked. He was wearing a normal brown knit sweater with some patterns on the neckline with some beige pants and some white converse along with the coffee shop's navy apron that had "Sugar Cakes" sprawled in white along the center.

"This is your locker." He said nicely, pointing to the metal locker in the corner of the room. He hands me an apron that looked exactly like his and said, "You have to put the apron on as well."

I nodded as I thanked him. I took off my zip up hoodie and put on the dark blue apron over my maroon t-shirt.

"I have never seen you around in Bristol. How old are you? I'm 18." George said as he sat on the bench to my left while i put my things in my locker.

"Yeah, I moved in two weeks ago from London to attend university. I'm 18 as well!" I said smiling at him as he played watched me.

"Then welcome to Bristol as well!" He said jokingly throwing his arms up. I chuckled and shut my locker.

"What next?" I said as you got up and I followed you out of the locker room.

"So basically, since this is obviously a small coffee shop there are only two people working here from 9:30 am till 12:00 pm, that's us!" He explained, I nodded as if to say I was understanding. "I'm going to be training you all week before I leave."

"Leave?" I said giving him a sad look, I barely knew him but I still did not want him to go.

"Yeah, I'm auditioning for the X Factor!" He exclaimed excitedly. X Factor? He could sing? Was he any good?

"That's great! I really hope you could play for me one day, I would love to hear you sing!" I said enthusiastically as we went behind the counter and up to the coffee machines.

"You could come home with me after our shift and I can play for you, we hang out for a few hours as well if you would like?" He asked, a glint of hope in his beauitful brown eyes. I had to admit, he is very good looking.

"Of course, that would be really fun!" I agreed, he was the first friend I had made since I had arrived in Bristol.

While explaining how to make all the different kinds of coffees, teas and hot chocolates, George and I talked. We tried to explore the other's personality and get to know eachother more.

George and I were having a hilarious arguement about our favorite Pokémon characters when the bell rang, signalling the entrance of the first customer of the day.

"Imagine this is a final exam, I taught you everything now show me what you have learned." He whispered as he leaned in to my ear, arms crossed and a smirk on his face.

"Just watch me, I'll do better than you have every done." I scoff jokingly. I grabbed the notebook and pen George had gave me to take orders.

I approached my very first customer who was wearing a business suit. I welcomed him with a smile which he returned. "Goodmorning, what would you like to have?" I asked.

"Morning, english breakfast tea, please." He ordered as I jotted down in the little notebook while nodding.

"Coming right up." I said, flashing a smile and walking back behind the counter.

As I made the tea, I kept sending George competitive smirks, which he returned in mocking innocent smiles. I chuckled when I finished and placed the tea on the tray, giving it to the man. Once the business man was finished, he paid and gave me a tip of 5 pounds which I accepted thankfully.

"On my first day!" I say flashing the tip in George's face while smirking. "No just kidding, how'd I do?" I asked while giggling.

"You did great! You've got a very likeable personality." He said winking. I thanked him as more customers entered that we both managed to handle together.

"Our shift is done!" George shouted tiredly as we both threw our hands up in excitement in the locker room. We've played, giggled and worked hard all morning, then the other workers showed up and that was the end of our shift.

"Finally! I'm so tired!" I said as I stuffed my apron in my locker and pulled out my navy zip up hoodie and slipped it on.

"Are you ready to go over to my place?" George asked who was waiting for me to finish on the bench in the side.

"Yes, let's go!" I said as I shut my locker and we exited Sugar Cakes side by side.

Sugar Cakes (A George Shelley Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now