Chapter 26

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My shaking hand made contact with his soft cheek and I instantly pulled my hand away, not believing that I had slapped my one and only true love.

I was going to apologize, but bit my tongue immediately to stop myself from doing so. George was the one who was supposed to apologize, he cheated on me! I looked at him, my eyes red and my cheeks puffed up due to all the crying.

"I'm sorry." He whispered shakily, putting his hand on his cheek. I could see that he was fighting back tears, I couldn't give in to him; I had to be strong.

"You left for a whole year and this whole time you were cheating on me?!" I shouted angrily and sadly, taking a step towards him.

"I'm sorry Rose! Please forgive me, it was a big mistake and I regret it immensely. It never felt right kissing Amanda! It was nothing like being with you!" George said trying to grasp my hand but I pulled it away from his reach immediately.

"Then why did you keep doing it if it didn't feel the same?!" I retorted and my hands balled into fists. "Don't talk to me ever again!"

I started speed walking away, wiping my continuous tears away with my wrist. "Rose stop!" George shouted, running behind me and pulling me from my hand.

"I love you! Please don't do this!" He said, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to pull me close.

"I'm sorry George, I'm breaking up with you. I need someone who will treat me correctly." I said and pulled my hand away and got into my car, speeding away as I saw him fall down to his knees and burst into tears.

I can't believe I let go of the best thing that has ever happened to me, but I guess this was for the best. He cheated on me, he did me wrong and I wasn't going to let him proceed hurting me. Maybe Josh was the one, but I had been pushing him away all along?

I drove to my house and parked the car in my drive way. I made my way into my house, crying my eyes out. Josh was seated on my couch along with Harriet. It was a bit awkward for me that Harriet was there, I mean she was George's sister.

"I broke up with him." I said, standing by the door leading to the living room. Their heads whipped towards me, Josh had a little smile that signaled both happiness and guilt, whereas Harriet had a sad expression on her face.

"George actually deserved that, even if he is my brother and no matter how much I love you two together." Harriet said and I looked at her with a confused look as to how she knew that he cheated. I wiped my constant tears as she continued, "Josh told me the whole story."

"I'm really sorry, just try and find something that makes you happy so you can forget about the hurt." She said and got up, hugging me tightly. She smiled softly at me and then whispered, "He'll come to his senses, he's a good guy."

I nodded and hugged her once again and she pulled away and picked her jacket up, "I guess I'll have to go knock some sense into him." She sighed and waved to Josh before walking out the front door and shouting, "Bye!"

I took my jacket off and hung it up, sniffling. I jumped up in surprise when I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and a soft, gentle kiss planted on my cheek.

"I'll be your happiness." He whispered in my ear, smiling softly against it. I gulped and blushed, looked down at my hands.

George's POV

I felt my world crashing down upon me when I saw her drive away. I fell down to my knees and cried. I made the biggest mistake of my life and I knew it wasn't going to be easy winning her back, but I had to try with all my might.

I did the first thing, got rid of the root of the problem, Amanda. She was the sole reason I agreed to do this, she tricked me into it. She told me we would only be friends, and I, being my naïve self believed her.

I guess I only needed someone I could pretend was Rose while we were separated for a whole year. I needed her love again, but I couldn't find it, even with Amanda.

Amanda was flabbergasted with my decision of leaving her and fumed at me, but I didn't care. Rose was the most important thing to me, I didn't care about anything else.

After a while, I had gotten an idea, a way to win her back. I wasn't sure if it was going to work but I had to try.

I needed my Rose back.


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