Chapter 6

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I woke up Monday morning hurriedly and put on my clothes in a rush. I was wearing a burgundy sweater with some dark wash jeans. I had finally let my hair down, in its wavy state, only because it had looked good that day.

George had left Sugar Cakes for good to pursue his dream and I had contacted our boss last night for permission to skip work today. To my luck, he had agreed and I thanked him gratefully.

I ate my granola bar as I checked the time, 9:30 am. I wanted to spend the last hours with George before he left for London at 12:30 pm.

I called George, telling him that I had gotten in my car. He had called me the night before asking me to come over early in the morning to spend the morning with him.

I drove in the direction of his mum's house where all the family was staying, as well as his dad. I parked my car in front of the house and got out.

Before I could knock on the door, it swung open revealing an extremely nervous George Shelley.

"Rose, I am freaking out." George said pulling me in suddenly by my arm.

"Why? There is nothing to worry about!" I said as I greeted all the family who were sitting in the living room where George was pulling me.

"Try auditioning for the X Factor, then tell me if I shouldn't be nervous!" He said as he rubbed his sweaty palms.

"Well, you did tell me never to audition for the X Factor two nights ago!" I exclaimed while laughing. It took George a second to realize what I meant then he burst out laughing.

"Correct, you should never ever risk ruining people's sense of hearing." He said as we continued laughing and his family gave us questioning looks but shrugged it off.

"Rose, are you coming to the airport with us?" Annabelle asked me as she locked her iPhone.

"That's not even an option, she has to come." George said, interrupting me. I chuckled and nodded.

"I think, as George's sisters, we should have his, best friends, number. Don't you think so Annabelle and Louisa?" Harriet asked, emphasizing the word best friend.

"Indeed we do." Annabelle agreed while smirking.

"We could hang out, just the girls while George is gone. He keeps hogging you!" Louisa complained.

"Give me your phones and I'll put my number in." I smiled as they have me their three phones. "Besides, I do need some girl friends, I've been hanging out with this idiot everyday."

"Hey!" He said shoving me playfully. "You know you love me."

"I do." I said while laughing.

"Rose, I love your hair down!" George's mum, Toni, exclaimed after she stared at me and George interestedly.

"Yeah she's right." Everyone murmured in agreement.

"Thanks! It's quite a change." I said as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Would you like to go get ice cream?" George asked as he turned to me.

"Can I come?" Leo butted in, but was cut off by Mr. Shelley saying, "No Leo, I need to show you something in the garage." while winking at George, who smiled at him gratefully.

"Sure, let's go. I'm driving this time!" I say as I take his hand and pull him up from the couch.

"Goodbye guys, see you soon." George said as I also said goodbye.


"Rose, I doubt your going to eat two ice creams." George laughed as I held two ice cream cups, one cup had chocolate ice cream and the other contained vanilla.

George had his cookies and cream ice cream in a cone. We were both sat in the car as I placed the two cups in the back.

"I'm not going to eat both George! I'm not a cow!" I said as I put the key in the ignition. "I got one for Leo since he wanted one."

George's P.O.V.

"That is so nice of you!" I said as I stopped eating my ice cream in surprise. "How did you know what flavour he wanted?"

"I just got the two most common flavors and I'm just going to let him pick. I'll eat the one he doesn't want." She said simply as she shrugged.

That was very kind of her, it made me really happy inside to know that she cared about my family. They were everything to me and to know that my best friend cared for them as well, made me love her even a friend?

"I'm happy you care about him." I said subtly.

"No problem." She said smiling at the road. After a few minutes of just talking, we arrived at my mum's place.

"I hope the ice cream hasn't melted." Rose said as she looked back and let out a relieved breath, seeing that they were still in their normal state.

"Let's go." I said while chuckling and exiting the car. She grabbed the two ice creams and we walked into the house and found my family still in the living room, like we had left them half an hour ago.

We both sat down on the couch next to each other with my sisters on the other side of Rose.

"Leo, I got you something." Rose said playfully as she his the ice cream cups behind her back.

"What?!" He asked excitedly as the 6 year old ran to Rose and stood in front of her.

"Ice cream!" She said putting the ice creams in front of him. He looked at the ice cream happily and clapped his hands. "Which one do you want?"

"Chocolate!" He said as Rose handed him the ice cream cup. Leo jumped in her arms and hugged her while thanking her.

Seeing the happiness in his eyes, just because she had cared enough to do a small action as this for him, brightened up my day and made me forget about all the nervousness from the competition.


"Take care, dear." Mum said as she kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. We were at the airport and my plane was boarding.

My dad hugged me next and said, "Good luck, son. I'm so proud of you." I nodded and hugged him back.

Harriet was next, I hugged her and warned her, "You better not be getting any boyfriends while I'm gone."

"I'll make sure Rose doesn't get any either." She said winking. I groaned and said, "we're only friends."

Harriet laughed and pulled away from the hug. Next, Annabelle and Louisa engulfed me in a group hug.

"Why did you not tell us Rose kissed your cheek on the day of the audition?!" Annabelle and Louisa whisper-shouted in unison. I blushed and they both poked my red cheeks, I whispered, "because I know you would do that." I pulled away and smiled down at them.

I bent down and pulled my two little brothers into a hug who told me that I was amazing and that I was going to win the X Factor. I ruffled their hair and got up.

I was pulled into a hug from behind by Rose and I turned around to hug her properly. "Thank you so much for being my best friend, Monkey."

"Thank You, for being My best friend!" I returned as I wrapped my arms tighter around her waist.

"I am so proud of you George, I know your going to win this." She whispered into my neck.

"I'll win this for you, don't forget to watch on TV."

"I won't, and please call me whenever you can." She said as she pulled my tighter.

"I'll call you all the time and keep you up to date. I have to go now, I'll miss you so much......sugar cakes."

"So is that my nickname now?" She asked smiling up at me goofily.

"Yeah, Sugar Cakes is the reason we became best friends!" I said as I kissed her forehead and kept my lips there for a few seconds.

I pulled away and she smiled sadly at me which I returned. I waved to everyone and headed off to the terminal to catch the plane of my dreams.

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