Chapter Eight

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I hate calling him but I just need to...




"Hey baby girl." Usually his voice would bring an instant grin to my face but u was just to upset at this point.

"Justin.." my voice sounding just as broken as I felt.


"Abbey what's wrong? Are you okay. Do you want me to come visit you. Where are you I'll get on the next plane to come see you." He rammble with worry laced in his voice.

"I took it to far again.." I mumbled to the phone.

"Tell me what happened baby girl." He soothed through the phone.

"It's.. It's Austin I... I told him he was just a wannabe you.. and now he won't listen to me.. I.. I feel so bad! I didn't mean it I was just angry and now he won't even listen to me!" I sobbed into the phone I wouldn't even be surprised if he couldn't understand a word I said.

"Listen to me baby, It's not your fault he provoked you into saying that he's been ass to you all week! He'd had it coming to him!"

"But I could of said anything! Anything beside that! That was the lowest thing I could have ever said!"

"Listen to me it's not your fault. I'm not going to tell you that you aren't wrong for saying that because there's no point in it. We both know it was the wrong thing to say but he had it coming to him! Now cheer up I don't won't you in a mood when I land by you."

As soon as the words reached by ear My mood changed drastically.

"You're coming when? You don't have to do that for me. I'll pay for your ticket. Wait have you already paid for it? I'll just pay you back when you get here. I can't believe your coming it's been so long I can't wait!" I rushed out but how could I not I haven't seen my best friend in six months!

Hearing his soft chuckle come from the other side of the phone sent a smile to my face. "I'm landing tomorrow morning and you will not pay me back!"

Feeling my eyes start to close I know I'll have to end the call before I fell asleep. "Justin.. I'm going to go.. sleep okay?"

Hearing his laugh once again before he stated "Okay good night sleeping beauty. Love you."

"Love you to.." I mumbled drifting off into a peaceful slumber dreaming of tomorrow.


Waking up to the sun hitting my face I jumped out the bed.

I'm late! Justin is probably already waiting to me!

Grabbing my phone I saw I had a text from Justin

Hey baby girl my plane land at 11:30 so make sure you butt is down here to pick me up! See you soon, Love You!(:

Do I dare look at the time? Peeking through one eye relief flew through me seeing that it was only 9:45.

Getting dressed I felt the urge to wear

After showering, dressing then curling my hair and doing my make up and called for a limo, I walked into the kitchen to see Austin eating his cereal. Taking a deep breath I said "Hey"


I knew he wasn't going to anwser but I still hoped for some sort recognition. "Please listen I really didn't mean to say that it just came out! I feel really bad!"

Is It Really Meant To Be? (Austin Mahone) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now