27 1 1

Song for this chapter
Sunset lover - Petit Biscuit

It was almost 8 o'clock at night and was almost time for me to leave. I dressed myself, grabbed the 5 items I can't leave my small apartment without: My phone, wallet, keys, lighter, and my carton of cigarettes.

I lock the door behind me as I leave, and I get into my car and make my way to the airport. After driving for about 25 minutes, im in a field that's behind my local airport. It was mostly flat for the most part, lush grass that danced with the wind, flowers that were now going into their slumber, and trees that towered over me.

It was now 8:30 and there was only a small strip of light left on the horizion. In the distance I could hear a plane start up its engine, with a loud rumble, I smile, the sound was somehow comforting. I leave my phone, and wallet inside of my car, only taking my lighter and carton of cigarettes. Leaving my engine running with the radio on with my favorite station, loud enough for me to hear. I get out of my car, and I sit on the hood of my car.

I take a cigarette out of the carton, and I place it in my mouth and light it. Inhaling the smoke that just made my day a million times better. I take a deep breath and then let the smoke out. Listening to the song that was playing, making me happy. I could now hear speeding up on the runway, and I knew it was almost time.

But was I going to say? I really need to start thinking about what I'm going to say ahead of time from now on. The plane was about to take flight any minute now. But, I guess just speaking from the heart is best. The plane was now in the air, soaring to its next destination, I close my eyes.

"Hi mom... hi dad. I still miss you. I sometimes wish you would have taken me too, so all of us could be together. My habit is only getting worse. But once I smoke enough, we'll be together again, and we'll be a family again."

When I open my eyes, the plane is out of sight and I can no longer hear it, but I knew a plane was due soon. It was about 20 minutes later when I heard a plane getting closer.

The sky was now completely dark now, and the planes flashing lights making its arrival known. It was now above me, getting ready for landing. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath and begin to talk.

"Well that's all for tonight mom and dad. I love you, and I'll see you tomorrow. I promise."

It's tires making a screeching noise as it made contact with the concrete, runway. Then it came to a complete stop, and it just was parked there on the runway, motionless. My cigarette was now almost nothing, I reach into my carton and pull out another one and light it. The smoke filling my lungs yet again, making me happy.

Once my second cigarette was almost nothing as well, I put it out and let the ashes hit the ground. I hop off of my car and get inside, music faintly playing still. Then I begin to make my way home, just cruising down the streets. The stars and moon glowing against the night sky, since I took the longer way home, the drive back took me about 45 minutes.

I turn off the ignition of my car, sigh, and go inside of my small apartment. I flick on the lights, and set my keys down on the table that's near my door. I plop myself onto my couch and sit there in silence, staring at the dark TV, that was playing nothing, just showing my reflection. I look over the corner of my small livingroom and see the grand piano that takes up the majority of the space. I smile and shake my head "Hopefully soon." I mumble to myself.

Today was just one of those days, just one where you want to do absolutely nothing. But unfortunately it couldn't be one of those days, unfortunately duty calls, and now I have to go to work. Fortunately, I actually kind of like my job. The Perk of working, where I work, is that I can take a smoke break whenever I feel like it. Bless.

I put on my white dress shirt, black tie, panty hose, a skirt, heels, and I pull my wavy hair into a ponytail. Apply minimal makeup. As I was finishing up, I hear a car honking, which meant my ride for work was here. I rush out of my room and into my small livingroom, phone, my pack of cigarettes,my keys and my name tag which reads "DJ"

Locking my door behind me, I bolt out of my apartment complex and get into my friends car.

"Ready for another exciting night?" My best friend, Bruce, asks me.

"Yes, but no." I say, although I'm in a shit mood, I actually like my job, which I am grateful for.

"Oh, Delilah Jane, cheer up, tonight will be a good night. Come on, something good could happen tonight." Bruce smirks. He knows I hate it when people call me Delilah Jane... 

Airplanes || M.G.COpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz