The girl

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"Yo guys it's the girl the girl they've been talking about" one guy yells in to the tent

"Really!?"another kid replies

"Ya, she just arived!"

"Shit! Is she hot" some one asks

"Dude she fiiiiinnneee" the guy replies

One of the guys does a howl and before I know it the whole tent is howling, including me what can I say it was fun!

then we were interupted by a actual howl from a wolf the tent goes silent then one of the guys checks outside the tent he puts his head back in and his eyes are widened as he says


everyone laughs like crazy
And then we all head outside the tent to the basketball court she just heading to her tent witch is a smaller version of our tents made for 1 or 2 people it's like we'll our tent has 4 windows on each side while hers only has 1 on each side
She settles in an closes the door to her tent. chatter goes all around the camp but we were all cut of by the sound of the screechy speakers turning on
The voice called out

"Can all uhhh.. boys um come to the audatoriom I repeat all boys to the *screeeechhh* audatoriom right away"
We all start to walk over and once we got in our seat there is a bit of chatter
As we wait for the rest of the guys to get here
Jo my friend sat next to me and said
"Dude I bet this thing is about that girl"

I nod as the microphone turns on
"NOW LISTEN UP! AS MOST OF YOU KNOW THERE IS NOW A GIRL IN THE SAME AREA AS YOU ARE NOW I KNOW WE HAVE LOTS OF GIRLS IN THE CIVILIAN TOWN BUT WE DON'T HAVE THEM WITH YOU SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE LITTLE GIRLFRIENDS AND BOYFRIENDS KISSING EACH OTHER WHEN WE ARE ON.. THE.. LINE.. OF.. DUTY!!! There will be no trying to "kiss" this young lady but if you do she will kill you. This girl has the highest skill level I have ever seen there is no doubt in my mind that she she could beat every single one of you. Thank you and that will be all NOW GET READY FOR DINNER. NOW!!

"Told you so" jo says

"I never denied it" I replied

"Whatever let's go to the mess I'm starving!" Jo said holding his stumic

"Ah you no what dude I'll meet you there I got to get something from my tent" I said

"OH alright dude I'll save you a spot" jo said

"K cool see ya" I said while jumping over some seats to the aisle
I was walking down the road it was quiet and the burning sun was just going down I finally got to my tent section and started to walk to my tent I noticed that some one was on the old electric tower that sat beside the washroom and shower building it was basically those washrooms they would have at camping parks well eny way each section has one I looked closely and noticed that it was the girl she was smoking a cigerett she had long dark brown hair and blue eyes with light skin her hair was braided on one side and wavy and down on the other with native feathers in her hair she was wearing a cloke but that's all I could see on this angle
"Ah... dinners at the mess just so you know" I called out

"I'm not very hungry" she quietly replied

"OH ok " I said back

I walked in to my tent and grabbed a shirt I was sort of embarrassed that I had no shirt on when I was talking to her it's not that I'm insecure in fact I'm pretty ripped if you asked me I mean all you can do here is work out so I guess that's why but as I was saying it's not because of that it's just because I didn't want her to think I was some sort of fuckboy oh well I walked back outside and said bye to um the girl and headed out to mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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