Sighs watching Horror movie together

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Aries: Is about to leave because how loud everyone else is but is the loudest one there.

Taurus: Is having no reaction to the movie and leave to Leo to get food and drinks

Gemini: "More blood, More blood"

Cancer: Is shaking in fear, holding onto Pisces for dear life

Pisces: Is about to jump out of skin cuddling with Cancer

Leo: Like movie,but want food so badly they leave with Taurus

Sagittarius: Scaring Pisces and Cancer when it gets quite while get death glares from libra

Libra: Glaring at Sagittarius for being so mean but not really taking the movie seriously

Scorpio: Is cuddling up in the middle of Virgo and Aquarius while making sarcastic Comments about how stupid the movie is.

Virgo: Is laughing at Scorpio Comments but is a bit scared

Aquarius: Is enjoying the movie but secretly enjoying the closeness with Scorpio

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