My hot boss!

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I rubbed my eyes when I saw him,....isn't that what you want me to say? But I didn't because when I entered the room of my boss Edmund Ross I was sharp on time. Standing in the doorway I glanced at my watch. It read 10:28 am exact. In fact I was 2 minutes early. So, my boss ought to be in the chair sitting, doing some work and welcome me into the job. But he was not. What kind of renowned businessman who is so punctual doesn't show up in his own office when he has scheduled a meeting? People! At the same instant a nice whirl of wind came in through the open French windows. I looked around the room. It was a nice, cosy and at the same time a very professional looking room. The walls had a light brown and white wallpaper and the back wall was glazed dark brown. The table where I presume Mr. Ross sat was huge... It was covered with all kinds of files in different colours, sizes, 2 coffee mugs, a Mac book air, a landline phone and a brand new iPhone! Wait a sec! This man moves around without his phone? Now I am definitely sure he is a forgetful old man... I was very very tired after walking around 5 miles to the office with my huge purse containing almost everything! So, I pulled back a comfy chair and sat down heavily which made a really bad screeching sound... At the same time, behind me ( where I hadn't looked before) something fell on the floor with a thud. And being so familiar with my library I knew that it was a book. I glanced back immediately to see a young, handsome and cute guy bending down to pick up the book. OMG! How did I not notice hi My? I really have my head in the clouds these days! I muttered a shit under my breath instntanously.  the person i saw had darkbown hair with specks of golden in between, wearing a neatly tailored dark blue suit, pale color and a medium figure. His well built body was visible even from a distance of 6 feet. As per my habit I said," I am really sorry! I did not notice you! Anyways who are you? Actually I am the new PA of Mr. Ross. Have you seen him around here? I can't understand why people are always late to the appointments they scheduled... Or do you know if he moved in another cabin?" By the time I finished talking I just looked at the person in front of me staring at me with wide eyes. Oh geez, now I couldn't control my goddamn tongue which I had decided to as this was an office, not my home! The man looked around 26-27 old. He had ocean blue eyes in which you cold get lost. I could... And before I could decide how to justify my outburst and and say sorry, he burst out laughing! His melodious laughter filled the whole huge cabin. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open! I'm used to talking this much and no one, no one has ever had the courage to laugh in my face. This, or I had said something inscecantly wrong. The second part seemed much right though. I immediately cleared my throat in a sign of embarrassment or authority, I don't know...He was staring at me..Wait what? Yes. In fact both of us were staring at each other. Me after seeing the name plate on the the mahogany table: CEO Ross Enterprises Edmund Ross. How could he...? And he was staring maybe seeing me staring at him. too bad. Till the time i could even catch upwith my tongue he stood up and said, "Hello I'm Edmund Ross, CEO here",smiling courteously. I thought that he was supposed to be rude. I guess that's reserved just fr his employees. But even i am.  I broke out of my stance and gave a formal introduction without 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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